
W/b 4th/7th September - Week 1/2

Dear parents and carers,


Welcome to Year 3!  It has been so wonderful to have the children back in school again after lockdown.  They have settled very quickly back into school life and have adapted well to the changes.  We are proud of them and pleased to see them all engaging enthusiastically with their learning. We felt it would be useful to send out some information about life in Year 3 to support you at the start of the year.     


  • PE lessons will be on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on these days each week.
  • Homework will be set every Monday and will need to be completed and handed in on the following Monday, giving children a whole week to complete it.  We ask that the children read every evening.  We will be assessing the children’s reading and sending their new reading books home on Friday 11th September.
  • Spelling words will be sent home every Monday and tested the following Monday.  The children should be completing the spelling sheet every night in the appropriate column, using their best handwriting.  The children can practice their spellings on J2e – Spell Blaster.  We will show the children how to use and access this on My USO.
  • Times tables can be practiced regularly using TT Rockstars.  We will also introduce this to the children in school so they know how to logon and use this program.
  • Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school every day as the drinking fountains are not available at the moment.  Also, please send your child in with a healthy snack for break time as the school does not provide a snack in the juniors.


We are very aware that we will not be able to meet you as we normally would, but we really encourage you to communicate with us whenever you need to via the home/school book, notes, phone calls via the office or the Year 3 email (  We will be checking this email account a couple of times each week.


Thank you for your support and we look forward to meeting you all very soon.


Miss Bayman and Miss Paish - 3BP

Mr Kent - 3K


For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.