Dear parents and carers,
We have had another lovely week in school. We attended the Remembrance assembly led by Tim and the children enjoyed using their Boudicca posters to support them when writing their character description.
This week is anti-bullying week and the theme is ‘United against Bullying’. In lessons and assemblies this week the children will be looking at how we can unite against bullying by working together, helping one another and respecting each other at school, home, in communities and online. This week is also a four day week due to the INSET day and school is closed to children on Friday.
The Times Table Rockstars battle starts today. Please encourage your children to take part as this will enable them to practice the times tables we are focusing on in school – 4 and 8 times tables.
Please see the Support at Home section on the school website for details of what we are learning about in class this week.
We would like the children to complete the following homework this week (due in Monday 23rd November):
Reading every evening and recording this in their Home School Diary. This can be recorded by you or your child.
This week spellings are learning the rules of adding –er to a verb and how this changes the spelling. There is a spelling rule activity to complete on the back of the sheet.
Complete their writing for the Art Richmond 2020 whole school homework.
Safer walking – the children will be taking part in this next week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Please ensure they are wearing suitable clothes for the weather. This opportunity is provided by the Richmond Safer Walking team.
Roman Day – we will be having a Roman Day towards the end of this term (date to follow) to support our history learning. Your child will need a Roman or Celtic costume for this day.
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Bayman, Miss Paish and Mr Kent
Maths – this week we are focusing on problem solving using multiplication and division. Click on the link to have a go at the Oak National Academy lesson ‘Understanding that multiplication and division are inverse operations’:
English – this week we are looking at the Roman Invasion in History and the children will be writing a newspaper report about the events. We will be looking at the features of a newspaper report, focusing on the use of eye-witness comments written as direct speech. Click on the link to watch the video and have a go at the activities on how to use inverted commas:
RE – this week we are continuing our work on The Beatitudes and considering what else we would like to know about them. Have a go at writing a few questions you would like to ask Tim about The Beatitudes.