
w/c 8th Feb

Friday 12th February


Dear Year 5,


Well done for all of your efforts this week and all of this half term. Please now upload the English precis, 2 x pieces of marked Maths and your Science investigation work to J2E if you haven't already done so. 

Please remember to check the Year 5 on the school website when we return to school on Monday 22nd Feb and be prompt for your class registration here on Teams at 9am.

For now though, a huge well done from us. You should all be proud of the brilliant work you have completed at home and for growing as independent learners who have got to grips with online communicating, video meetings, downloads and online video lessons! You have demonstrated extraordinary resilience and resourcefulness and we are so very proud and impressed by all of your efforts.

Have a wonderful break and look after yourselves and your families!

Enjoy the break.

Mr Myers and Miss Gould and all of the Year 5 team.

Dear Year 5 children and parents, 


With just one week to go until after term, another massive well done to everyone for your continued hard work and dedication to your learning at home. It has been lovely this week to hear all your stories in small groups, as part of storytelling week. As well as hearing all about the different ways you have been expressing yourselves following Miss Lambe’s assembly for Children’s Mental Health week. 


We look forward to reading through everyone's science work on materials and character studies over the coming days - we hope you enjoyed the tasks! 


9am week day registrations

We have continued to really enjoy seeing you all each morning at our 9am registrations on Teams. We understand children may miss one here and their due to logistical reasons at home, however, these short morning sessions are really important – they are an opportunity for us to share announcements and reminders, answer any questions about the day ahead and they give children the daily opportunity to see their peers.


Yr5 after school club - Monday's on Teams - 15:45 to 16:45 

This week we will be having our first ever Yr5 virtual after school club - all year 5 children are welcome. 

This week children will need paper, something to lean on (e.g. a hard-backed book) and something to write with. Activities this week will include:

  • Guess that song
  • Would you rather…
  • A memory game
  • Letter bingo
  • Blind drawing
  • Musical statues
  • British Sign Language

To join the group, children will need to go into the team titled ‘Year 5’, NOT their class team (5M/5G). And join the same way they would join in the morning for registration by clicking ‘join'. 


Small group meetings

This week's small group meetings are at the same times as last week. Remember, those of you in theMonday meeting to be prepared to share your stories. Full details below:


Monday 1st Feb:

5M Andromeda 10.00 

5G Superstars 11.00 

Tuesday 2nd Feb:

5M Orion 10.00 

5G Genius Gems 14.00 

Wednesday 3rd Feb:

5M Pegasus 10.00 

5G Clever Cookies 11.00 

Thursday 4th Feb:

5G Masterminds 10.00

Friday 5th Feb:

5M Cygnus 10.00 


Reminder: Getting support online

We would like to remind all children and parents that a Year 5 class teacher is available to help with any questions or problems through the messaging service on Teams. Children can add a question to their class's main conversation or if they prefer, send a message directly to their teacher using the 'chat' tab on the left-hand side of Teams. Children, we know some of the tasks are challenging and we do not expect you to find everything straight forward! However, it is important that you develop your independence by trying your best and by asking questions when you need help.


If you do need teacher support with a question or are unsure of a task, please move on to the next task if you don’t get an immediate response, as we will get back to you as soon as we are available.


As a footnote to this, please remember to watch the various videos (e.g. Maths) and read through provided PowerPoints and PDFs before beginning a task. You are much more likely to understand what to do, enjoy the task and produce accurate work if you do so!


We hope that you all have a good week, any questions please contact us via the Y5 group email:


Best wishes,

The Y5 Team

Welcome to the 2024-2025 Academic Year! For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.