
What our Parents Say

Parents and carers are always welcome to share their thoughts and queries with the school. Once a year, we hold a formal survey. Please see the Autumn 2022 Parent/Carer Questionnaire information below.

Areas in which the school is successful

We are very grateful for the feedback comment we have received. Overall the data and additional comments showed that our parents are very happy with the educational experience we offer children and families, with many lovely comments being made, for example:


The school is doing well "in creating an environment in which the children thrive - the nurturing environment is something that is easy to take for granted. Both my children want to come to school and have found a love of learning. It wasn't even on my list of things I wanted from a primary school, but it turns out to be the thing that I value the most."


"It's a very friendly, happy, safe place for the children to learn, which in itself is no small feat. Having strong leadership and happy staff trickles down to the children!"


"I am struggling to select one area because I think AC is such a strong school. Above all though I would say culture shines through as a unique strength - from friendliness, love, approach and quality of staff. It's an amazing school which I champion every day of the week!"


Areas in which the school could improve

The areas for development were varied, with two recurring themes. We hope you find the following information helpful.


Communication Streams and Diary Dates (mentioned by 19 parents)

All communication from the school comes via Parentmail. Some parents have found it useful to download the Parentmail app, as this prevents school emails getting lost in personal email accounts. - ParentMail

Newsletters are posted to the school website to allow parents to re-read previous newsletters. Newsletters | Archdeacon Cambridge's Church of England Primary School ( 

The PTA communicates via Classlist. Again, using the app allows parents to keep on top of messages from class representatives. Classlist - Build amazing school communities 


We aim to give parents as much advance warning of events as possible. All relevant dates are sent home at the beginning of each term and added to our online school calendar. Calendar | Archdeacon Cambridge's Church of England Primary School ( Many parents find it helpful to subscribe to the school calendar, linking it to their personal digital calendar. You can select all events or only the events that are relevant to your child's year group. Subscribe to this Calendar | Archdeacon Cambridge's Church of England Primary School ( 


Start of year information, e.g. PE and homework days, is communicated by class teachers. In Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 you will receive a letter from the class teachers with this information. In Key Stage 2 this will be communicated via your child, usually in their home-school diary. This information is copied directly from the board to ensure accuracy. In response to your feedback, we will now also upload this information to the Year Group pages. Year Group Pages | Archdeacon Cambridge's Church of England Primary School (


After School Care, Clubs Offer and the Profile of Sport (mentioned by 10 parents)

After school care is offered on site by Vital Play. Due to the high quality experience they offer, places are always in high demand. Please contact them and ask to be added to the waiting list as early as possible, as this will allow them to gauge interest. Out of School Club Twickenham | Childcare Twickenham | Vital Play


We aim to offer a wide range of before school, lunchtime and after school clubs, for example a range of sports clubs, art club, sewing club, chess club and choirs. Clubs offered by teachers are free and are offered during teachers' personal, directed time. Although clubs offered by outside suppliers are paid, we aim to keep costs as low as possible. We review our clubs offer termly and will take on board feedback about specific clubs in our next review.


Attendance at sports clubs in non-selective. Teams chosen to represent the school are organised in order to allow as many children as possible access to the competitive sport experience. This means that our teams are usually different for each fixture. The past few years have been frustrating for sports clubs leaders and team members, as fixtures have been so unpredictable. We are very pleased to share that school participation in inter-school competitions is returning to pre-COVID levels. Please see our Sporting Events page for more information. Sporting Events | Archdeacon Cambridge's Church of England Primary School ( 

 Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeNot Known/Not Experienced
My child is happy at school. 82%18%0%0%n/a
My child is kept safe at school.81%18%1%0%n/a
The school caters well for my child's needs and interests.59%39%2%0%n/a
The school prioritises my child's wellbeing.65%35%0%0%n/a
My child has settled in well this year.76%24%0%0%n/a
The teaching is good at this school.62%38%0%0%n/a
Pupils are well behaved at school.55%43%2%0%n/a
My child is encouraged to developed independence whilst at school.57%43%0%0%n/a
I receive helpful information from the school about my child's progress.38%54%6%0%3%
Information from the curriculum evening at the beginning of the year and on the website has helped me to support my child at home.91%5%4%0%n/a
The school is welcoming and offers opportunities to get involved (e.g. PTA events and Dig Days).73%27%0%0%0%
My child is well prepared for their next class.45%37%1%0%17%
The school is well led and managed.73%27%0%0%n/a
I have been pleased with the home-school communication.43%51%3%1%1%
The school responds well to any concerns I raise.51%29%1%1%18%
The school deals effectively with bullying (including persistent name calling, cyberbullying, and bullying linked to race, sexual orientation or gender identity).27%22%3%0%48%
Would you recommend this school to another family?100%0%n/an/an/a


Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.