
Keeping Parents Informed

Curriculum Information
Through Curriculum Information Evenings and half termly information sheets, we try to provide parents with an understanding of what the children will be learning in school and how they can help. In Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 weekly information sheets are sent to parents giving specific details of what is to be covered in the next week and what parents can do to help their child. Activities at home might include discussion, reading, collecting materials for activities or using bath time for experiments about the capacity of containers. From the Spring Term of Year 1 and in Year 2 spellings to be learnt and homework activities are also detailed on weekly information sheets.


Suggestions about how to help with reading is included for each year group in Curriculum Evenings each September and at the annual Reading Information Workshop. Notes for parents about how to help with reading are also included in reading diaries. Following consultation with parents, the school offers an information evening for parents in the spring and summer term providing opportunities for learning more about other subjects. Previous information evenings have included Maths, Science, Internet Safety, Modern Foreign Languages and Writing. Parents are always welcome to approach teachers if they have any concerns or would like additional information.


Home School Books
Much of what begins in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 continues in Key Stage 2. The weekly information sheets are replaced by Home-School Books which children complete in class as homework is given out. The Home-School Book notes activities, trips and key information for the class. Parents and teachers are able to have a dialogue either face to face or through the Home-School Book. As before, websites, games and activities are suggested to parents and materials for games provided if appropriate. Use of games, websites and activities leads to children feeling empowered about their own learning and they eagerly get involved in extending their learning through additional opportunities within the classroom and outside it.


Parent Teacher Consultations
Parent Teacher Consultations take place in the Autumn and Spring terms.  This is an opportunity for parents to meet with their child’s Class Teacher and discuss their child’s academic and social progress.  The meetings are an important part of working with parents to ensure that children make good progress each year and achieve the best they can.


Home School Agreement
The partnership between home and school is reinforced through the Home-School Agreement which parents and children are asked to read and sign when they join the school. The agreement is included in the Key Stage 2 Home-School Book as a reminder for children and their families of the nature of the partnership and the necessity to take an active part in ensuring the best outcomes for their children. Helping at home, communicating with school and supporting school policies and practice all contribute to children’s success as learners.   


Activities and Events
Fortnightly Newsletters provide details about activities and events in school and beyond. Information about websites which support learning for a range of age groups is also included in Newsletters.

The Termly Diary sent home at the start of each term provides parents with information for the term and aims to provide the opportunity for parents to plan for attending assemblies, accompanying school trips, offering their skills in a learning activity and preparing for Mufti days or themed weeks. Term dates, how to contact Governors, information about uniform and reminders for parents are also included in the Diary.


Clubs and activities offered to the children before, during or at the end of the school day are also published each term in the list of Extra-Curricular Activities.

Our final tour for September 2025 Nursery Admissions will take place on Tuesday 25th February 2025. Please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777 to book a place.