
Spring 1 Week 6

5th February 2021

Dear Y3 and families,

It is week 6 next week and the last week before half term.  You all deserve a week of fun and relaxation!  You have continued to engage in your home learning and the work you are uploading is still of a high standard.  Please try and get all remaining work uploaded by next Friday (12th Feb) at 3.15pm.

We will be running a bonus book swap on Friday 12th Feb at 11am.  This is for children who would like to change their reading books ready for the half term break.  It is also an opportunity to return any books you have finished with and also any home learning that you have been unable to upload.  We will have new Home Learning Journals available for you to pick up if you have completed your first one.  Bug Club is proving popular and you have access to lots of lovely books on there.  Next half term, we will be running our book swap on Tuesdays at 9.30am until 10am.

It has been so lovely this week, checking in with the children and being able to speak to them about their home learning.  They were all so happy to talk about their experiences and it was good to have an opportunity to speak to parents too.  If we haven’t had our check-in with your child, please check the Teams chat for a message from us as we will be organising these for next week.

This week it is Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 9th February.  We have put a session to cover this on to the timetable and there is an assembly there to watch.  There are some activities on J2e. Here is the link - Safer Internet Day (  Please take this opportunity to talk with your child again about being safe online, especially as they are all having to spend more time on their screens at the moment.

On our timetable this week, you will see that there are two links for ppts for some lessons.  This is because we have included the ppts with Loom and then also put the ones without Loom on there too.  We have used Loom for the first time this week and hope that it will make everything more straightforward and engage the children too.

The RE lesson on Monday is part of a special Year 3 collaborative Project. At this time, we are all feeling very disconnected, and we hope that by all working together (all be it individually) that we can realise that being away from each other physically doesn’t have to mean we are on our own.

Thank you once again for all your support and understanding at this unusual time.  The feedback you have given has been really useful and we hope everything is now working smoothly for you.

We wish you all a happy, safe and healthy half term. The home learning for the first week back will be on the school website from Friday 19th February.

Best wishes,

Miss Bayman, Mr Kent and Maggie.

For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.