
Spring 1 Week 5

Friday 29th January 2021


Dear Y3 children and families,


We are now entering the 5th week of remote learning and we are really impressed with the levels of engagement and enthusiasm we are seeing from the children.  The work they are uploading is of a high standard, including good presentation and accurate work.  We know this is sometimes hard to sustain, but the Y3 children are certainly trying their best – well done to you all!


This week we have put a “finishing off” session on to the timetable on Friday afternoon.  This is there in case some of the lessons are not completed in the allocated time, as it can be hard for us to judge how long a session will take.  This session will give the children the opportunity to get up-to-date before the weekend.


We have also put the maths ppts on to the timetable as embedded links.  The White Rose videos and worksheets can be found as links on this ppt.


We have received some lovely feedback from you this week, both through emails and the school feedback form, thank you.  We really do appreciate all you are doing at this difficult time.  We are always available to answer questions and support you with any queries you have through the usual channels.


There will be the fortnightly book swap at the front of school on Monday (1st February) between 10.30am and 11am.  Please return any books that have been read and it is also an opportunity for you to bring us any pieces of home learning that you have not been able to upload.  Unfortunately, we can’t run this at the same time as the Infant book swap as we need to avoid having too many families at school at the same time.  The Bug Club books have been allocated to your child to match the reading scheme we have in school, so if you can’t get to the book swap then please access these books online.


We will also have additional Home Learning Journals available for you to collect at the book swap as I know some of the children have nearly completed these. We will leave any uncollected ones at the school office if you are unable to collect them on Monday.


It is Children’s mental health week next week.  We will be focusing on this during our Teams meetings with the children.  Here is a link to some activities you could use with your child at home –


We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Many thanks,

Miss Bayman, Mr Kent and Maggie.

Welcome to the 2024-2025 Academic Year! For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.