
Play Leaders

Our Key Stage 2 Play Leaders take responsibility for the Junior Playground. Each class is represented by two Play Leaders, who look after equipment, listen to children’s suggestions and lead play activities. Play Leaders meet once a week and are currently following the Play Makers leadership course, which will help them to develop the skills to monitor playground behaviour and support in mediating when disagreements occur. This is what they are hoping to achieve from the course.

"I am looking forward to learning about different playground games."

"I hope I will develop the skills to help to sort out disagreements."

"I am looking forward to getting my hi-vis jacket."

"I think I will be good at listening to both sides of the story."

Playground Crazes

Play Leaders regularly introduce new playground crazes. They learn and practise them before introducing them to the rest of the school. Here they are, learning how to play string games like Cat's Cradle and Jacob's Ladder.

Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.