
Friday 3rd September 2021

Friday 3rd September 2021


Dear Parents, 


Welcome to Year 1, we hope you all had a wonderful summer! We have had a fantastic start to the school year. We will be starting PE lessons next week (week beginning: Monday 6th September). Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit every Tuesday and Friday. This half term, children will be learning gymnastics on Tuesday and swimming each Friday. On Friday's please ensure your child brings to school with them a swimming costume or swimming shorts (no bikinis), a towel, swimming hat, goggles and a change of underwear in a named bag. 


To help us, please fill in the form below to give us some information about your child's swimming experience. This will allow us to place your child in a small group that best meets your child's needs.

Please ensure this form is completed by Thursday 9th September 2021.


Many thanks, 

The Year 1 Team 


For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in November and January 2025, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.