
Friday 8th July 2022

Year 1 Information Letter

8th July 2022


Dear Parents and Carers,


The children have had a wonderful week! They were fantastic on our trip to Barnes Wetlands Centre and had a brilliant time pond dipping and exploring the area. Thank you again to the parent helpers that came with us. We hope that the parents who attended the book sharing session enjoyed this morning. The children loved showing you the work they have completed over the year.



This week we have been learning at telling the time to ‘o’clock’ and ‘half past’. Children have made clocks in school that they have taken home today. Please use these to rehearse telling the time on an analogue clock.



Next week will be the final week of book changes in Year 1. We will need to collect all reading books in on Monday 18th July. After this, please continue to read books you have at home.



  • Infant Fun Day is on Tuesday 12th July. On this day children will take part in a range of different activities throughout the day. Children should still wear their PE kit to school.

  • The weather is warming up next week. Please ensure your child has sun cream applied before school and that they have a full water bottle and sun hat with them each day.

  • The school library is now closed for the school year. Please return any books you have at home.


Thank you for your continued support


Mr Bowie

Miss Nichols

Mrs Hitchcock


Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.