Update – Friday 24th April 2020
Dear everyone,
We hope you have had a good week and are staying well. Thank you for all of the pictures of your Home Learning activities set last week that we have received through j2e. It’s been really good to be able to give the children immediate feedback to the work that they have been completing and our hope is that it will motivate the children at home. We’re also beginning to give out J2 stars to reward the children’s hard work. The children have all been working really hard and it’s wonderful to be able to stay in contact with them through comments on their work. Please upload work regularly throughout the week, as this allows us to give ongoing feedback. Many thanks.
When you open the Home Learning in Year 2 for this week you will notice that it looks slightly different. We are trying to streamline what we are doing and not give you too many different documents that you need to open. You will now have four power points – English/Topic, Maths, RE and Other subjects. Within the power points the children will be taken through the learning and then there will be activities to complete. Some of the activities will require you to print out a particular power point slide. Then, as before you can upload finished work via my.uso.im through j2e and we will be able to see what the children have completed and give relevant feedback. We have set specific tasks that need to be uploaded, these will be commented on by teachers. This will usually be 5 activities a week across a range of subjects. However, we would still like you to upload pictures of other activities that the children do as it’s lovely to see. Please continue to keep all activities that the children do as they can be returned to school when we return. If you have any problems please contact us through the Year 2 email.
This week we will continue to explore our topic of ‘Living things and their habitats’. Our particular focus this week is on the Savannah habitat and links to one of our core books: ‘One day on our blue planet in the Savannah’ by Ella Bailey. In SPaG we will focus on ‘noun phrases’, which is something that the children are already familiar with.
In Maths we will begin to look at ‘Measures’ with a specific focus on ‘Length – measuring in m and cm’. All of the activities require you to use a ruler. If you don’t have one we have provided a link to a printable version. The children can also practise their mental maths skills using J2Blast that you can access through my.uso.im. -> J2 Blast -> SATS Blast KS1.
In RE we will continue to look at the ‘Five pillars of Islam’ and will concentrate on the first and second pillars of faith: Shahadah which is connected with faith and Salah which is connected with prayer.
We have also included some other activities for you to complete this week.
We are aware that home learning requires children to use the internet more frequently to view video clips and complete activities. Please refer to some online safety information on our website for more information. Click the link below.
We are missing you all so much and can’t wait to see you all. Stay safe and have fun,
Miss Nichols, Mrs Patterson and Mrs Renahan