Parent weekly letter – Year 2
Friday 2nd October 2020
Dear Parents,
Thank for your continued support.
English: This week we have been learning about verbs (doing or action words) and practising using them in sentences. Please complete the attached sheet.
Maths: This week the children have been practising adding and subtracting a 1 digit number and then a 2 digit number to a 2 digit number without exchanging. Please support your child to complete the attached activity and encourage them to show their working out by drawing ten sticks and ones or using the column method.
Spellings: Please complete the attached spelling sheet using the: Look, Say, Write, and Check method. The children will be tested on these words next Wednesday. We will continue to revise the common exception words for Year 1. Please keep the spelling sheets at home to continue learning the spellings. These are also used to reinforce correct letter formation.
As the weather becomes colder please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for PE and playtimes.
Many thanks,
Miss Nichols, Mrs Patterson and Mrs Renahan