
Friday 5th November 2021

Year 1 Weekly Information Letter

Friday 5th November 2021


Dear Parents and Carers

We hope you have all had a lovely half term. The children have enjoyed starting our new topic ‘Our School and Twickenham’. We were lucky to have Mrs Patterson share her stories of what Archdeacon was like when she was a child here.



This week the children have been given Spelling homework (see the Autumn 2 Spelling Homework grid). All children have a red file that can be decorated with pictures and stickers. Please cover this folder in sticky back plastic. Folders will be sent home each Friday and should be handed in the following Wednesday. Please encourage your child to complete their homework and provide support where necessary. Homework should be a shared activity. 



Next week we will be looking at how the children have changed over a period of time. To help support this activity we would like you to send us a picture of your child when they were 3 years old. Please send them to the Year 1 email address. We need the pictures by Wednesday 10th November.



When reading with your child, please reinforce the letter names. We have noticed that many children refer to letter with their individual sound. It is important that the children know the letter name and the sound. The following game on Busy Things (accessed through MyUSO) will also support this: MyUSO/BusyThings/KS1/Year1/English/Phonics Programme/The alphabet/ Letter Line Up



Next week, we are moving on to our focus on subtraction. Please continue to support your child at home by playing games such as snakes and ladders, dominoes, number bond games or involving them in any real-life mathematical problem solving. Additionally, Busy Things has fantastic resources to support a wide range of mathematical problems.


Class Pet

Due to the number of Covid-19 cases we have decided, that both class pets will be sent home once the isolation period for 1B has ended.


1B Bubble

Next week 1B will continue use separate toilets, play in a separate area of the playground and not mix with any other classes. The children have adapted fantastically well and hopefully before too long we will be back to normal. Thank you for your understanding.


Thank you for your continued support.


Mr R Bowie

Miss S Nichols

Mrs T Hitchcock

Mrs M Williamson

Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.