
Friday 29th April 2022

Year 1 Information Letter

29th April 2022


Dear Parents and Carers


The children have enjoyed planting Beetroot, Sunflowers and Beans this week. We have been impressed with their ability to make arrays and think about columns and rows.

Swimming has been a huge success and many of the children have improved dramatically since we last saw them in the pool.



Next week we will be assessing the children’s ability to apply their phonetic knowledge to decipher both real and alien (nonsense) words. This will replace 1:1 reading but we will change books as per usual. Due to the bank holiday, book change will take place on Tuesday and Friday.



The children will be “Little Darwins” in the wild life area trying to identify wild plants in groups using a spotter sheet. They will also continue work on our core text “The Secret Sky Garden”. This will include comparing and contrasting characters and writing why they would be a good friend to the main character in the story.



The children will consolidate their knowledge of early multiplication and division by making groups and sharing. Please count in 2s, 5s and 10s with your child both forwards and backwards. We have been working on doubling this week. Hit the Button is a good game to practise if you get a chance.

Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (



For homework this week, we would like the children to sketch, draw or paint a flower or plant of choice from home or the garden. We would like the children to use any materials they choose and the art work (or a photo) to be put into their homework folders. These will be kept in school and put on display.



  • School is closed on Monday 2nd May as it is a bank holiday. We hope you all have a lovely long weekend.

  • Children should continue to wear PE kit on Tuesday and Friday.

  • Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. As the weather warms up children should wear a sun hat and have a water bottle each day. If you are applying sun cream this needs to be done before coming into school.


Thank you for your continued support


Mr Bowie

Mrs Nichols

Mrs Hitchcock


Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.