
Joining in Reception

Reception Registration


Children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 are due to start Reception class at primary school in September 2025.  Full information about the admissions process is included in the brochure at this link Richmond Primary guide 2025.docx (  Use the eAdmissions website from 1 September 2024 to apply online for your child’s primary (reception) school place.  The deadline for the receipt of applications is 15th January 2025.  Applications for entry into Reception class at Archdeacon Cambridge's CE Primary School will be handled in line with the Local Authority co-ordinated admission arrangements. For those families applying for Foundation places, a Supplementary Application Form and Clergy Form should be completed and returned to the School by 15th January 2025 so that Governors can consider their application fully.  These forms can be downloaded from the School website.  If you would like to receive the forms in hard copy please telephone Mrs Hamerton in the school office to request that these be posted to you. Letters notifying parents of the outcome of their application will be sent out on or after 16th April 2025. The deadline for the acceptance of the offer of a school place is 30th April 2025. Please use the link below to access a full copy of the Admissions Policy.

Joining in Reception


Children whose parents have made a successful application to the Reception Class will join one of the two Reception Classes the Autumn Term after their 4th birthday. 

Children joining our Reception Classes will attend full time in the Autumn Term.  However, for the first half term parents may choose to take their child home after lunch. In order to offer flexibility, parents may begin the term collecting their child after lunch but, with one week’s written notice, change arrangements for their child to stay for the full school day. After half term it will be expected that all children remain for the whole school day.

In line with good Early Years practice, the school sets out to welcome children and families through a number of induction events.  This includes an information evening for parents in the Summer Term, an opportunity for children and their parents to tour the classroom before the summer holidays and 1:1 meetings with parents and children at the beginning of the Autumn Term.  Children joining the Reception Classes have a staggered start to the term, beginning one or two days after the start of term for children in Years 1-6.

Each year we also hold an curriculum information evening for new Reception parents early in the Autumn Term. This is an opportunity to meet other parents and to hear more about the Foundation stage from the Reception Teachers and the Foundation Stage staff.

Happy New Year! Welcome to the Spring Term 2025! For information on our final school tour in January 2025 for Nursery 2025 Admissions, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.