
Joining in Nursery

    Nursery Admissions 2025-26

    To apply for a place for your child in the Nursery at Archdeacon Cambridge's CE Primary School for the 2025-26 academic year you will need to complete the application form at the link below.  


    Application form ACS Nursery - 2025/26

    The deadline for the receipt of applications will be Friday 7th March 2025Letters notifying parents of the outcome of their application will be sent out on or after 28th April 2025.  The deadline for the acceptance of the offer of a Nursery place will be confirmed in the offer letter.


    A full copy of the Admissions Policy for the Nursery for 2025-26 can be found at the link below.  If you have any questions about the process please telephone Mrs Hamerton in the School Office (Tel: 020 8894 4777). 


    If your child turns 3 during the year you may be interested in our Early Bird offer - please see information below.

    Early Bird Offer

    Children can also join our Nursery mid-year at the beginning of the the term after their third birthday.  Children joining as 'Early Birds' during the 2025-26 academic year attended either five mornings (8.30am-11.30am) or five afternoons (12.15pm-3.15pm) each week, Monday to Friday (subject to availability).  

    Children born between 1st September 2022 and 31st December 2022 are eligible to join the Nursery in Spring Term (i.e. from January 2026).  If you are interested in applying for a place at our Nursery from January 2026, please complete and submit the Application Form above by Monday 6th October 2025.


    Nursery Provision

    Archdeacon Cambridge's School offers the following, term-time only, Nursery provision:


    Universally Funded Places (15 hours)

    Children attend Monday to Friday, either:

    • Morning Session (8.30am-11.30am), or
    • Afternoon Session (12.15pm-3.15pm) 


    30 Hour Funded Offer (School Day places 8.30am-3.15pm)

    Children usually attend five morning sessions using their Universal Funding.  They can add to this attendance at a minimum of three, and a maximum of five, afternoon sessions during term time using their 30 Hour funding.  There is a charge for lunch time supervision of £9 per day.  Parents may take children home for lunch if they do not wish to pay the charge.


    Self Funded Offer (School Day places 8.30am-3.15pm)

    Children usually attend five morning sessions using their Universal Funding.  They can add to this attendance at a minimum of three, and a maximum of five, afternoon sessions during term time for which parents pay £27 per session. There is an additional charge for lunch time supervision of £9 per day.  Parents may take children home for lunch if they do not wish to pay the charge.


    Children attending a 'School Day' place will initially be asked to bring a packed lunch.  From the October half term 2025 parents will be able to choose either for their child to take a hot school meal provided by the school kitchen (current cost £2.80 per day) or to bring a packed lunch.   As specified above there is an additional charge for lunch time supervision of £9 per session.  Only children attending for the full day can attend the lunch time session.  Parents may choose to take children home during the lunch period to avoid the charge for supervision.



      You can email any questions to or telephone Mrs Hamerton in the School Office on 020 8894 4777


      Further information on childcare entitlements is available at the following link:

      30 hours free childcare - GOV.UK (



      Starting Nursery

      Children whose parents have made a successful application to the Nursery will be allocated their sessions for the 2025-26 academic year in the first half of the Summer Term.   Children joining the Nursery in September are invited to induction sessions ahead of their formal start in Nursery.  These include a session to visit the setting during the day and a 1:1 meeting with the teacher before they begin to attend.

      Each year we hold an information evening for new Nursery parents early in the Autumn Term. This is an opportunity to meet other parents and to hear more about the Foundation stage from the Nursery Teacher and the Foundation Stage staff.


      Parents should note that children attending the Nursery at Archdeacon Cambridge’s School will have to reapply for the Reception Class the following year. Applications will be handled on an equal basis with those applying to join the school for the first time.

      Happy New Year! Welcome to the Spring Term 2025! For information on our final school tour in January 2025 for Nursery 2025 Admissions, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.