
Friday 22nd October 2021

Year 1 Weekly Information Letter

22nd October 2021


Dear Parents and Carers,

The children have worked well learning and using number bonds to solve problems. They have sketched and made models of the school and created natural artwork inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. Well done Year 1, what a fantastic start to the school year you have had. It was lovely seeing you all for Parent Consultations this week. We apologise for any technical issues that may have occurred.



We have given your child an extra reading book for half term. Thank you for all of the reading that you do at home with your children. It makes a real difference.


Class Pet

After half term, Year 1 will be sending home a class pet (not a real pet) for your child to look after. The idea is that the children will all get the opportunity to take the pet home for one night and draw a picture and write about their time with the pet. They will then share this news with the class and answer questions from classmates. It is a great shared experience for the children which they love.


We hope you and the children have a well-deserved and restful half term.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Year 1 Team:

Mr R Bowie

Miss S Nichols

Mrs M Williamson

Mrs T Hitchcock

For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.