
Friday 1st July 2022

Year 1 Information Letter

1st July 2022


Dear Parents and Carers


The children have loved designing and making their moving toys. They were very proud of their efforts and evaluated what went well and what they would do better next time. Today they watched the Year 2 assembly which was fantastic.



We are continuing with our topic of ‘Toys’. For homework we would like the children to interview a parent about their favourite toy growing up. This can be a video interview or written. We are encouraging the children to ask “How, Why, When, What” questions to extract more information from the interviews. Send the videos into the Year 1 email and the written interviews can be put into homework folders.



  • Thank you for all of the request by parents to help with the school trip. We have contacted you if you will be joining us. The children are very excited about the trip to Barnes Wetlands Centre on Wednesday 6th July.
  • We are asking that all of the children wear their PE kits on the trip. Make sure your child has a packed lunch and water bottle. Children will not need to bring a book bag in on this day.
  • If your child suffers from travel sickness please let us know so that we can prepare accordingly. Some parents will be giving their children travel sickness tablets before we set off. If you need us to give us a tablet for your child on the way home, please put it in a named envelope and had it to a member of the Year 1 team.



Next week we will be assessing the children’s high frequency word recognition which will replace the 1:1 reading of books. We will still change reading books on Monday and Thursday as normal.



  • Book sharing day is on Friday. These slots are 10 minutes long. Please try to keep to the time as we do have lots of parents to fit in.
  • Mufti Day is on Friday 8th July. Children should wear their own clothes to school on this day. We will still have PE so please ensure your child is wearing appropriate footwear.  


Thank you for your continued support


Mr Bowie

Miss Nichols

Mrs Hitchcock


Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.