
Key Stage 1 Curriculum Information

Year 1

Year 1 classes begin the academic year with a school day which is similar to their day in Reception. Activities and lessons build on the child-centred curriculum of the Early Years Foundation Stage.


The strong focus on developing phonics, writing and mathematical knowledge continues. Children learn to quickly recall number bonds and facts, develop their abilities in calculating mentally and applying their mathematical knowledge in different ways.


Teachers continue to use fiction, non-fiction and poetry books to provide opportunities to practise reading skills and as models of good writing. The wider curriculum is organised to make the most of links between different subjects, enabling children to make effective connections in their learning. 

Year 2

The Year 2 curriculum continues the thematic approach to learning although Maths and English may be taught discretely. RE, Geography, History, Science, Art and Design Technology are, when appropriate, linked with texts or the theme for each half term.


Fiction, Non-Fiction and poetry texts provide models as children learn to recognise and use genre specific vocabulary and punctuation, and to write with the reader in mind. Written work provides a range of opportunities for children to develop their skills as writers and poets.


French lessons are introduced into the timetable each week giving the children an opportunity to start to learn and use simple French phrases. Their vocabulary is extended as they are introduced to familiar stories such as The Nativity in French.


Building on mathematical concepts introduced in the Early Years Foundation Stage and Year 1, children learn to manipulate numbers through the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), practice key concepts and use standard measures accurately. Learning is developed and consolidated by ensuring children using concrete materials and pictorial representations before moving on to abstract calculations. The importance of key concepts such as place value, the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables, number facts and being able to explain their reasoning are reinforced.

Our final tour for September 2025 Nursery Admissions will take place on Tuesday 25th February 2025. Please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777 to book a place.