Be happy and love learning,
confident in our faith.
Do everything in love.
1 Corinthians 16:13-14
"I liked knowing about the Last Supper because it made me understand that God is more powerful than I thought he was and how kingly this person was going to be" Year 3 child
"When Rev. Simon came in to talk to us about what Liturgy is it helped to speak to somebody who is a Christian and it helped me to understand way more about the religion of Christianity." Year 5 child
At Archdeacon Cambridge's C of E Primary School, RE is considered a core curriculum subject. We follow the London Diocesan Board Scheme of Work for RE, which is organised so that Christianity is the main religion taught. Our aim is for pupils to explore core beliefs using an approach that critically engages with biblical text so that they leave school with a coherent understanding of Christian belief and practice, and that Christianity is a diverse global living faith. Over their time at school, children learn about and through the major world religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Hindusim, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. Through knowledge and understanding of other faiths and their world views, their similarities and differences and where and how people pray, children are able to develop understanding and respect. Children explore their own religious, spiritual and philosophical ways of living, believing and thinking.
We offer a balanced curriculum which enquires into religions and worldviews through theology, philosophy and the human and social sciences. Our aim is for children to develop empathy towards people of similar or differing religious or worldviews to their own. Lessons are rooted in theological concepts, strong subject knowledge and content. Learning is sequenced both in terms of knowledge and skills across the primary age range, offer motivating, engaging and creative lessons for all children.
Our curriculum is enquiry-based. Each unit has an over-arching 'Big Question', which is broken down into smaller questions which are explored during lessons. By the time children move to secondary school, they will have developed the ability to:
- be critical thinkers
- engage critically with texts
- ask deep and meaningful questions
- make connections within and across religions and worldviews
- to reflect, respond and express their own religious, spiritual and/or philosophical convictions
- to make their own choices and decisions concerning religion and belief based on a deep knowledge and understanding of religions and worldviews, belief systems, values and practices.
The RE curriculum is brought to life through welcoming visitors, visiting places of worship and regular RE focus days. These are whole school events that bring children and staff together in considering the deeper meaning behind an aspect of Christianity.
We have strong links with Holy Trinity Church and the church community. The Rev. Simon Couper, Vicar of Holy Trinity Church works with staff through leading Collective Worship and contributing to children’s knowledge of the Christian faith by enabling enrichment opportunities in RE lessons at school and church.
RE Day - Christmas 2024
During our whole school RE Day on Monday 16th December 2024, children created poems inspired by famous paintings of the Nativity. Each year group looked at a different part of the story and focussed in on that part from the Bible. They then enjoyed taking part in drama and art activities based on their painting of the Nativity before composing poetry. Here are some examples of the work that the children produced:
The Annunciation - Year 4
Mary visits Elizabeth - Year 6
The census and journey to Bethlehem - Year 3
The birth of Jesus - Year 1
Angels and the shepherds - Year 2
The visit to Jesus by The Magi - Year 5
The Nativity - Reception