

We believe that all children deserve a high quality Science education, rich in exciting and practical experiences which ignite a lifelong love of Science. It is our aim to equip children with a strong foundation in the knowledge and skills they will require for their future study and employment in our fast-evolving scientific landscape.


The Science curriculum in our school is carefully planned to ensure continuity and progression between year groups and make meaningful links with other subjects. Learning is often supported by our core texts in order to give context and purpose to children’s scientific investigations. 


Our school is fortunate to benefit from well-established Outdoor Learning areas, which we incorporate into our Science lessons. Staff use planned and unplanned opportunities for children to develop their skills in order for them to answer their own questions and carry out investigations based on things that interest them about the world around us.


Science is enhanced in our school through a range of trips and visitors, drawing on the skills and knowldegd of the wider school community, such as the ‘Urban Farm’ in Key Stage 1, and the 'Pop-Up Planetarium' in KS2.  We are lucky at Archdeacon to have our own Wildlife Area, providing an excellent resource for hands-on scientific exploration and learning.  We have recently purchased our own beehive and are looking forward to the exciting learning opportunities that this will provide.

Scientific Enquiry

The following documents provide further detail about curriculum content and sequencing throughout the school.

Happy New Year! Welcome to the Spring Term 2025! For information on Nursery September 2025 Admission tours in January & February 2025, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.