

Writing at Archdeacon Cambridge's



At Archdeacon we understand the role that reading plays in developing writers and the value of being immersed in high quality literature. As a school we use texts from the CLPE Power of Reading scheme. We believe that a well-chosen text provides rich language models and structures from which children can learn how writing works and the effect it can have on a reader. By choosing texts that have an ambitious and varied vocabulary with a wide ranging word choice, this enables children to comprehend beyond their own reading fluency level. With a diet of quality texts and enriching experiences children will be able to find their own reasons to write. 


Our writing is closely linked to our half termly topic themes; this approach gives the children even more time to learn about their topics whilst also providing a meaningful output for their work. Initially, core skills in Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation (SPaG) are taught through explicit daily sessions and then embedded in our English lessons and throughout the wider curriculum. Wherever possible, writing has a meaningful context or be it subject-linked. We ensure our pupils know just how powerful their writing can be. We put great value in handwriting, teaching pre-cursive to our youngest ensuring beautiful script from an early age. We want our young writers to master the English language with a strong control of grammar and punctuation but also a rich, imaginative vocabulary. With these skills and experiences, we believe they can be the authors, poets, editors and journalists of tomorrow.

Examples of Writing

Year 1 - Year 6

Our Core Texts


Our Core Texts are carefully selected to support our chosen curriculum in English and frequently relate to the subjects being studied. We select Core Texts which will engage our children, enhance our foundation subjects and expose our children to varied language and form. Alongside this, we try to ensure our Core Texts have a range of protagonists children can identify with, emotive storylines, powerful illustrations and plots with a dilemma/challenge/moral or ethics. The planned reading curriculum is supported by access to, and carefully designed exposure to, high quality literature (core texts) these books have been chosen to be inclusive by reflecting an array of cultures, backgrounds and experiences. Below is a selection of our core texts:

We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.