The Governing Board is the School’s accountable body. It is responsible for the conduct of the School and for promoting high standards. The Governing Board aims to ensure that children are attending a successful school which provides them with a good education and supports their well-being.
To challenge and support the School by monitoring, reviewing and evaluating:
To appoint and performance manage the Headteacher who will deliver the aims (through the day to day management of the school, implementation of the agreed policy framework and school improvement strategy, and delivery of the curriculum) and report appropriately to the governing board.
In law the governing board is a corporate body, which means:
Vacancies on the Governing Board occur from time to time. Any parent interested in serving as a Governor is encouraged to put themselves forward for election at the suitable time. If you would like to discuss the role ahead of putting your name forward please contact Lesley Hamerton, clerk to the Governors, in the first instance.
Archdeacon Cambridge’s is a welcoming and inclusive Church of England Primary school with close links to Holy Trinity Church, Twickenham. We place children at the centre of their learning. We recognise individuals’ potential in all aspects of school life, enabling the development of the whole child. Each child is valued for who they are.
The core functions of a Governing Board are:
Ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
Ensuring financial resources are well spent.
Ensuring the voices of all stake holders are heard.
The Governing Board and sub committees have a well-planned schedule of meetings and additional meeting are arranged if needed. The board is divided into the following sub committees:
The Quality of Education Committee oversees pupil achievement and the quality of teaching, ensuring the school provides a high-quality learning experience and delivers a broad and balanced curriculum.
The Pay and Personnel Committee considers all personnel issues within the whole school community.
The Resources Management Committee oversees financial (resources management), premises and health and safety related issues.
The Admissions, Pastoral and Personal Development Committee reviews the school’s admissions arrangements and oversees the implementation of policies in respect of pupil personal development and wellbeing, including Child Protection, Safeguarding and Equality.
There are also named linked governors for: Safeguarding; Premises, Health and Safety; Children Looked After; SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities); Inclusion; Equalities; Literacy; Numeracy; RE; RSE (Relationships & Sex Education); PPG (Pupil Premium Grant); Behaviour & Attendance; Curriculum Standards; PE Funding and GDPR.
Pupil, staff and family wellbeing (including safeguarding)
Ensuring the curriculum is broad, balanced, and challenging, through Quality First Teaching
Specific focus on writing
Continued focus on religious education
Supported the Head Teacher and staff through the OFSTED inspection in March 2023.
Attended scheduled meetings. These are both online and in school e.g. full Governing Board meetings, SIP (School Improvement Partner) visits, health and safety walks.
Sought feedback through staff and pupil communication to ensure adults and children in school felt supported and safe. Mental Health lead presented to the full Governing Board.
Supported the continued work to ensure pupils and families of all heritages are represented, included and listened to in school life.
Ensured close links with Holy Trinity Church and sought advice from the school advisor from the London Diocesan Board for Schools (LDBS).
Analysed the school's achievement, progress, attendance, behaviour, wellbeing and quality of teaching through in-depth work in committees and the headteacher's termly report to governors.
Met regularly with our SIP from AfC (Achieving for Children), including joining feedback sessions during termly monitoring visits. Sought feedback on the standards at Archdeacon compared to similar schools and guidance as to priorities for development and focus.
Asked robust questions of the headteacher, senior and middle leadership teams.
Maintained a strong focus on disadvantaged pupil groups and those with special educational needs through regular updates by the linked governors.
Ensured a trained governor took part in all teaching staff recruitment panels.
Carried out robust financial planning and supported revenue generation where possible (a Marketing sub-committee is being created).
Contributed to the joint letter send by Chairs of Governors across schools in Richmond and Kingston to the Department of Education, raising awareness and concerns about inadequate school funding.
Overseen the School Maintenance Fund.
Chair and Vice Chair attend online AfC Director’s Termly Briefings, and Chair attends local ‘Chair’s Virtual Network Meetings’ as well as termly ‘Chair of Governor’s Round Table’ meetings with Munira Wilson, MP for Twickenham.
Been visible to pupils, parents and carers e.g. at PTA meetings, Praying Parents, Christmas performances, year group assemblies, year 6 final assembly, School Council, Summer Fair.
Reviewed school policies and ensured all statutory duties are being met.
Ensured that our Governing Board has the necessary skills through participation in regular governor CPD including annual Safeguarding Training.
Participated in the annual Safeguarding audit.
Discussed and celebrated extra-curricular school activities e.g. Arts Richmond Young Writer’s Festival, primary Maths challenge, school trips, year 5 & 6 residentials.
Continued to monitor Vital Play (The Nest, Study Zone) and the Green Room (Breakfast Club at Holy Trinity) - through the lens of contribution, satisfaction and support.