
School Financial Information

Digital Marketing and Revenue Generation

As you will be aware, all schools are facing significant financial challenges. The only control schools have over their regular and permanent income is the per pupil sum allocated to each school based on pupil numbers and any additional income raised through external letting of facilities.


We are keen to ensure that we are not missing any opportunities to promote our school and to also consider what further initiatives there might be to support our regular and permanent income in the future. 


Do you have the digital marketing skills or the revenue generation experience to be able to help us? 

We would like to find one or two volunteers from the parent/carer body with this experience to join the Resources Management Committee of the Governing Body for a 1 year project during this academic year.

If you would like to find out more please email Roger Clark, Parent Governor on


This project is separate from the wonderful work and fundraising carried out by the PTA each and every year. The range of events organised by the PTA enriches the Archdeacon experience for the whole community and the funds that are raised are always put to good use.

Financial Information

Please see below a link to the School's Financial information.

All schools are asked to report the number of employees with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more. This table confirms that no employees are paid this figure. 


Number of Employees Gross Salary of £100,000 Gross Salary in excess of £100,000
None N/A N/A


For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.