
Week Beginning Tuesday 5th January 2021

Important Update- Wednesday 6th January 2021

UPDATE- Tuesday 5th January 2021


We are also sending home the children's Independent Journals. Please use these to collate work the children are doing at home. They can also be used for writing in for any of the activities. 

Have a great day of home learning and please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Mrs Mulberry and Mr Bowie



Monday 4th January 2021


Dear Year One,


Welcome back to Spring Term 2021! We hope you had a restful Christmas break. Thank you again for your very generous gifts, messages and cards.


Due to the Government’s announcement we are not able to start 2021 and this term in the usual way. Instead of children being in school we have set Home Learning. The Weekly Learning Grid gives you an outline of all the activities for the week and what needs to be uploaded onto your child’s MyUSO account. Please follow the Learning Grid as much as you can. If you are unable to print any resources please complete the tasks on paper you have at home.


We will mark work that we have requested to be uploaded (highlighted in green) onto MyUSO. Feedback will be given by a member of the Year 1 team.


To support your child at home we will be making short weekly calls via Microsoft Teams in small groups. This call will be from a member of the Year 1 team and will take place on a Friday morning. Further details and instruction will be on this page on Wednesday. Please familiarise yourself with the Microsoft Teams software and note which group your child is in (e.g. 1B have been put into groups B1, B2, B3 etc and 1M into M1, M2 etc). 


One of the Year 1 team will be available via Microsoft Teams Chat every day from 9:30am – 11:30am to answer any questions you may have. This chat is for us to support you and your child with their Home Learning.


Reading books and your child’s handwriting book will available to collect from school on Tuesday 5th January at 9:30am (see separate email). Please return any reading books your child has finished with.


We hope to provide as much support as possible to enable you to keep your child happy, engaged and learning at home. If you have any questions please contact us at:


Mrs Mulberry and Mr Bowie


Please use to access the resources your teachers have chosen for your year group.

The children's MyUSO login gives access to a number of resources, including:


Busy Things

JiT- Select JiT 5 from the tiles.


The school  login details for Espresso are 

Username: student22947

Password: acps1842


Numbots is a program that supports development of key number facts. The login for Numbots is the same as the login for 

Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.