
Home Learning: Week beginning Monday 6th July 2020

Update – Friday 3rd July 2020

Dear Everyone,

We hope you have had a lovely week. Thank you for completing the survey on returning to school. We cannot wait to see so many of you when we return for a couple of days before the end of term. You have worked so hard and have produced some fantastic pieces of work again this week. We’ve loved seeing all of your salads, we hope they tasted as good as they looked. Thank you for continuing to upload work regularly throughout the week, as this allows us to give ongoing feedback and j2Stars. If you have any queries please contact us through the Year 2 email.


Holy Trinity Church is looking beautiful with all of the colourful bunting that you have made. Try and see if you can spot your bunting!


This week we are starting our new core text ‘The Lonely Beast’. If you do not have a copy we have uploaded it as a PDF for you to read. Please look at the learning grid for this week’s activities and all of the resources needed can be found below.


We can’t wait to see you soon. Stay safe and have fun,

Miss Nichols, Mrs Patterson and Mrs Renahan

Welcome to the 2024-2025 Academic Year! For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.