
W/b 9th November - Week 2

Dear parents and carers,


The children have settled back into school after half term and we have really enjoyed looking at their Boudicca posters today. 


In English/History this week the children will be building on our online session with Boudicca and the research they completed for homework to write a character description about her. In Maths we continue our unit of work on multiplication and division by moving on to the 4 and 8 times tables. In RE this week we will be considering the question  - What are The Beatitudes and What Do They Mean For Christians?


We would like the children to complete the following homework this week (due in Monday 16th November):


  • Reading every evening and recording this in their Home School Diary.  This can be recorded by you or your child.
  • This week the children will be learning the rules of adding –ing to a verb and how this changes the spelling.  Their spelling words to learn will reflect this and there is a spelling rule activity on the back of the sheet.
  • Maths homework is two 4 times table maths sheets plus TT Rockstars.


This week we are also launching a whole school homework activity.  Please see the attached letter called “Arts Richmond 2020 whole school homework” for all the details.  Next week’s Year 3 homework will be to complete this but the children might like to spend some time this week thinking about/planning what they would like to write about.


Reading book amnesty. Please could all old reading books (not the one they are currently reading) be returned to school.


Thank you for your continued support,


Miss Bayman, Miss Paish and Mr Kent


Homework and Spellings

Support at home


Maths – watch the Oak National Academy video on the 4 times tables and then watch the BBC Bitesize video for the 4 times tables song:


English – click on the link and complete the lesson on character and setting descriptions:


RE – read the story of ‘The Sermon on the Mount’ (from the document below) with an adult, and discuss the following questions:

  • What is a beatitude?
  • Which beatitudes can you remember from the story?
  • What do the beatitudes mean to Christians?
  • Which beatitude do you think is most important to Christians? Why?
  • Which beatitude do you think is most challenging to Christians? Why?
Welcome to the 2024-2025 Academic Year! For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.