
Friday 25th June 2021

Weekly Parent Letter – Year 2

Friday 25th June 2021


Dear Parents,

The children have had an amazing Sports Week! They have really enjoyed taking part in a different sport each day. You can find pictures from the week on the Year 2 page of the website. We’ve loved completing our warm up exercises this week, thank you for filming these.



Next week we will be recapping on using money. Please log into BusyThings and play ‘Money Addition’, ‘Ordering: coin values’ and ‘Ordering: coin clusters’. These can be found in the Year 2 section under Mathematics. You can also use real money to practise naming the coins and notes.



  • As the weather warms up please ensure your child has sun cream applied before school and has a water bottle daily.
  • We have finished swimming but PE will continue every Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child is dressed in PE kit on those days.


Many thanks,

Miss Nichols, Mrs Patterson and Mrs Renahan



For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.