
W/b 7th December - Week 6

Dear parents and carers,


The children have really enjoyed Roman Day today – they took part in lots of activities and even created a museum with all of their artefacts, marched in Roman formation, tasted some Roman food and planned a Roman meal! We have loved seeing their costumes and artefacts – thank you so much for all of your support with this.


Rehearsals are under way for our part in the Christmas Play and the children have been singing enthusiastically and dancing beautifully.  Please can we ask that your child brings in dark coloured trousers or leggings as part of their costume in a named bag by tomorrow (Tuesday 8th December).


Please see the Support at Home section on the school website for details of what we are learning about in class this week.


We would like the children to complete the following homework this week (due in Monday 14th December):


  • Reading every evening and recording this in their Home School Diary.  This can be recorded by you or your child.
  • This week the children will be looking at words where y sounds like i. There is a ‘look, cover, write’ sheet and an activity sheet for your child to complete. These spellings will be tested on 14th December.
  • Please continue to practice Word List 3B as these will be tested next week too.
  • This week for homework we would like the children to complete the multiplication worksheet and continue practicing their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables. The sheet is due in on Monday 14th December.


Thank you for your continued support,


Miss Bayman, Miss Paish and Mr Kent


Homework and Spellings

Support at home


Maths – over the next two weeks we will be adding and subtracting two 3-digit numbers with exchanging. Pick one of these Oak National Academy lessons to have a go at:

Adding two 3-digit numbers (regrouping in one column):

Adding two 3-digit numbers (regrouping in multiple columns):

Subtracting 3-digit numbers (regrouping 10s to 1s):

Subtracting 3-digit numbers (regrouping 100s to 10s):

English – this week we are continuing to read Arthur and the Golden Rope and will use what we have read to inspire our own writing about Arthurs’ adventures. Click on the link below to have a go at the lesson and revise noun phrases and expanded noun phrases:


RE – this week we are considering how John the Baptist prepared the way for Christ’s arrival. Consider ways you prepare for Christmas and how you celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Welcome to the 2024-2025 Academic Year! For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.