
Home Learning 2019-2020

Friday 10th  July 2020

Dear Year 1,

We hope your child enjoyed the last week of term for Year 1. It was wonderful to see so many of them and see them enjoying their last couple of days in Year 1.

We are overwhelmed by your generosity and hugely appreciate our lovely gifts. Thank you so much. Maria and Ms Porter also wanted us to pass on their thanks.

Thank you to those who have sent us their Year 1 Memories page. Please continue to send them to the Year 1 email and we will collate these at the end of next week. Additionally, certificates are now available if you completed the ‘Reading Challenge’ sheet from a few weeks ago. Again, please email a copy to the Year 1 email and we will send your child a PDF certificate.

For this week’s Home Learning, please continue to use the grid we placed on the website last week (we have included this below). We encourage you to complete as many activities as possible especially those focused of time and money.  All Home Learning will remain on the website during the holidays. Next week, we will also provide a list of activities and games that could be completed during the break. It is really important that the children have time to enjoy the summer holidays so we will include these as suggestions.


We hope you have a wonderful weekend and thank you for continued support.


Mrs Mulberry and Mr Bowie

Friday 3rd July 2020


Dear Year 1,


It has been lovely to welcome back more faces to Year 1 this week. The children have been fantastic and the Year 2 teachers have been so impressed with how well behaved and socially well-adjusted the Year 1 children have been.

We are into our final week of Year 1 and we are so sad to see the children go as our time with them has felt cut short. However we know that they will all thrive in Year 2 and be very well looked after. We have been enjoying looking at all the Year 1 memories pages and reminiscing about so many good times that we have had this year. We feel lucky to have had such wonderful children and super supportive parents this year. So thank you all very much, we appreciate all of your efforts during lockdown and the work you have done to keep your children engaged and learning at home.

In case you have missed previous correspondence:

The last days are:

1M – Wednesday 8th July

1B – Friday 10th July

Your child’s school report will be taken home next week. The report will detail achievements up until March. The children haven’t completed the full curriculum and the reports will reflect this.

Please find below the Home Learning for this week. We are learning about Time this week. This is an introduction and we have suggested you look at the Busy Things Tutorial and Clock game to get started. There are also good resources on both Espresso and BBC sites which we have put in the planning.

We are aware that as the terms comes to an end it has become more difficult to motivate your child and keep the home learning going. We have included a variety of activities to choose from for the next two weeks which have something for everyone and may be fun for your child to do.


Wishing you a fantastic weekend.


Mrs Mulberry and Mr Bowie

Friday 26th June 2020

Dear Year 1,


It has been another fantastic week for Year 1. The weather has been sweltering but it hasn’t stopped Year 1 from completing their Sports Day activities. We had a mini Sports Day in the junior playground which the children enjoyed. Well done to all of our budding athletes!

We have welcomed more children back to school this week and it has been lovely to see how well they have adjusted to coming back. The children have really enjoyed seeing their friends and are definitely happy to be back.

We cannot believe that it is nearly the end of term already. Miss Lambe has sent out a letter which details the term ending dates for Year 1.

The last days are:

1M – Wednesday 8th July

1B – Friday 10th July

Mr Bowie is going to try and make an extra special effort to see 1B next week as he has been helping out in Reception, he will try and catch all of 1B during lunchtime for the next 2 weeks.

Please find below the Home Learning for this week. We are learning about Money again this week. This is based on the White Rose lessons and will be a good consolidation of the skills taught last week. The videos and the worksheets are on the Home Learning section below.

We have also set a National Creative writing challenge which is very exciting. The children have to write a story using only 24 words. This is from BBC Bitesize. The children have enjoyed doing step by step drawings at school so we thought we would set some of these for homework too.

Remember to keep reading at home regularly and practising the High frequency / Exception Words and keep us informed if you would like any support or advice through the Year 1 email.

We appreciate that these are unprecedented times and we wish to say a huge thank you for all of your support and continuing to work hard with your children at home.


Mrs Mulberry and Mr Bowie


Friday 19th June 2020


Dear Year 1,


It has been wonderful to see so many of you back in school for the second week.  We have been very impressed with the positive attitude and tremendous resilience of the children in adjusting so well to the changes within school. They have all been absolutely brilliant.


Next week, we are looking forward to welcoming more Year 1 children back to school. Additionally, it would have been Sports Week at school. We will be doing some Athletics in school but also hope you can do some of our ‘lockdown’ challenges at home. As it is expected to be very warm next week, please apply suncream to your child before they come to school.


Please find below the Home Learning for this week. We are learning about Money this week. This is an introduction and we will be covering again in 2 weeks. Money uses lots of skills including; coin recognition, place value, repeated addition and take away. Some children will be more comfortable working with money than others, nowadays cash is less visible in our lives. Where possible, try to use real cash during these activities.


Now many of the children are back in school, we appreciate there is less time for some of you to do the home-learning. Likewise, some children are not back in school and may wish to do more activities at home. We would encourage you to do what you feel your child is capable of. Keep reading at home regularly and practising the High Frequency / Exception Words and keep us informed if you would like any support or advice through the Year 1 email.


We appreciate that these are unprecedented times and we wish to say a huge thank you for all of your support and continuing to work hard with your children at home. 


Mrs Mulberry and Mr Bowie

Friday 12th June


Dear Year 1,


It was so lovely to see some of you back at school this week. The staff and the children had a great couple of days enjoying each others company and adjusting back into school life again. If your child did come in, we hope they enjoyed the experience and had lots of fun too. Some of the activities enjoyed were giant bubbles, jellyfish craft and scrapbooking.


For those of you learning at home, well done for another fantastic week of home learning. We are so proud of you all and how you are approaching your learning. We have tried to ensure that during this week and next week, if your child hasn't been in school, we will be in touch to check in and see how you are getting on. In the meantime, please email us if you have any questions or concerns. 


Please find below the planning for this week. Please read the plan carefully and complete as much as you can. The maths work is all based on White Rose and the English is on a PowerPoint. Please continue to read on a daily basis. There is also details of the Summer Reading challenge as an optional task. We will continue the reading challenge for Year 1 that we set last week and send out certificates for the amount of books read.


Wishing you all a very happy weekend, full of sunshine (hopefully). Stay safe and keep up the hard work.


Mrs Mulberry and Mr Bowie


Friday 5th June


Dear Year 1,

We really enjoyed seeing photos of what you all did during half term. We have now updated the video with any further photos we received.

We look forward to seeing some of you back in school next week. As you will be aware school will be very different and we will be doing our upmost to make the children feel as welcome and supported as possible.

Mr Bowie will be covering another Year group Pod for 2 weeks initially so unfortunately will not be teaching 1B to start with.

Please find below the Home Learning for this week. Please read the Weekly Plan carefully. We have used more resources from the BBC Bitesize this week. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do contact us on the Year 1 email. 

Many of the resources this week are from BBC Bite Size website. These activities are to be completed at your child’s own pace. Next week, some Year 1 children come back to school into Pods, some will continue in Keyworker groups and some children will not yet be returning. Bearing this in mind, we have decided to keep the home learning as user friendly and workable as possible to coincide with these changes.

In school, we will focus on topic work, well-being and re-establishing relationships. We won’t be teaching the home learning in the Year 1 pods. We feel that the children have gone through a significant amount of change and the primary focus must be to adjust them back into the school community.

We appreciate that these are unprecedented times and we wish to say a huge thank you for all of your support and continuing to work hard with your children at home. 


Mrs Mulberry and Mr Bowie

Friday 29th May 2020


Dear Year 1,


Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful half term. We hope you had lots of fun and managed to have a rest. Keep sending in your ice-cream/sunshine pictures and we will upload them to the website next week.  


Please find below the Home Learning for this week. Please read the Weekly Plan carefully as a couple of the activities are slightly different. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do contact us on the Year 1 email. 


We have also included a reading challenge document. The children can list the book they read and then rate their enjoyment of the book out of five. You can number the books on the left hand side so that you can print off multiple pages. We will organise a certificate for all the children who take part so keep the list in a safe place.


We hope the children enjoy completing the activities this week.


Mrs Mulberry and Mr Bowie


Friday 22nd May 2020

Dear Year 1,


Well done for completing, what can only be described as, the strangest half term in Year 1 history. We are immensely proud of all of you and so impressed by the positive attitude you have had to your learning. We know from our own experience that some days are easier than others. Keep smiling and keep going!  


We are not setting any Home Learning for half term. We are hoping the sun continues to shine and you are able to enjoy time with your families. All we ask is that you continue to read during the half term break. 


If you would like an activity to complete, here is how to make ice-cream in a bag.  . Send us your pictures to the Year 1 email and we will post the pictures of you enjoying your ice cream on the website. If you don't get a chance to do this then you can send us a picture of you enjoying the sunshine. Send to and please mention on the email you are happy for us to put on the website.


Wishing you a happy and restful half term break.


Mrs Mulberry and Mr Bowie



21st May 2020 World Record Drawing Attempt

Today at 4pm, author and illustrator Rob Biddulph will be making a Guinness World Record attempt for the largest online art lesson ever. You will need to register beforehand to be sent the video link.

For more information, visit

Happy drawing!

Ms van den Broek

Friday 15th May 2020

Dear Year 1,

It was so lovely to see all of the different ways you celebrated VE day. The bunting, cakes, sandwiches and wonderful activities looked amazing!

We hope you are having a good week at home and you are enjoying the tasks we have set. We really enjoyed seeing your acting this week. We clearly have the many Hollywood superstars in Year 1!

Please see the Weekly Plan for all the information you will need for this week’s Home Learning. Remember, do not worry if you do not get everything completed. If you are finding anything difficult or need advice, please get in touch via the Year 1 email.

We have included the White Rose worksheets below as these are no longer a free resources. We have subscribed as a school, following positive feedback from parents. Continue to use the videos in conjunction with the worksheets and use objects and resources to aid understanding where possible. The videos can still be accessed on the White Rose website and we are working on WB 11th May (we will continue to work a week behind).

Some parents collected reading books last week and we have had positive feedback from this. Next week, we are offering another chance to collect two reading books from school and a book from our book corners. If you would like to take us up on this offer, please email the and we will let you know when the books are ready for you to collect from school. Please ensure you have sent your request by Monday 18th May at 1:30pm so that books can be prepared for collection on Tuesday 19th May. If you are returning books, please wipe the covers over and we will do the same to ensure the safety of staff and children.

Lastly, Miss Lambe sent out a letter on Thursday regarding the current situation. Please ensure you have completed and returned the survey.

We miss you all very much but are so proud of the Home Learners you have become.

Have a wonderful weekend and a great week of Home Learning

Thursday 7th May 2020

Dear Year One,


We hope you are all safe and well. The weeks seem to be flying by. Well done for completing another week of home learning. Once again, please do not worry if you did not manage to get everything completed.  As it is a Bank Holiday tomorrow, we have tried to make the workload lighter for the children to enable the children to finish off anything they wish to. Thank you for the feedback we have received. We really hope you are able to have some quality family time this bank holiday.


Thank you for uploading files onto J2E. We enjoyed looking at the VE Day photos. We have been so impressed with how hard everyone has been working, it has been a joy to see how well the children are progressing. Well done Year 1!


Please find below the Home Learning Plan for next week. Maths will all be number facts and whole part problems based on the White Rose Home Learning website. Click on the tab for 4th May. English is retrieving information from a text and is accessed through the BBC Learn page. Please continue to use the Letters and Sounds Phonics lessons.


The Year 1 team would like to say a big thank you to all of the parents and children for persevering with home learning, we really appreciate the children’s hard work and your support. If you are finding it difficult, please let us know so that we can help.


We hope you have a lovely bank holiday weekend and thank you for your support.


Mrs Mulberry and Mr Bowie

Friday 1st May 2020

Dear Year One,


We can’t believe we are in May already! Well done for completing another week of home learning. Please do not worry if you did not manage to get everything completed. Thank you for the feedback we have received. It is really helpful to know how things are going at home as this helps to inform the learning we set.


Thank you for uploading files onto J2E. We have been enjoying watching retelling of Parables and the interviews have been amazing. Do not worry if you didn’t manage to upload or if your child didn’t want to film as the experience for the child is the most essential part.


Please find below the Home Learning Plan for next week. Maths will all be based on the White Rose Home Learning website. Click on the tab for 27th April. English is combined with our Plants topic and is accessed through the BBC Learn page. Spread these activities across the week to make things easier. Please continue to use the Letters and Sounds Phonics lessons. We have also created a document if you feel your child needs something extra.

Friday 8th May is VE Day 75 Years. In the History section, we have included a selection of activities for you to choose from so you can take part in the celebrations too.


Previously, we have included websites where you can find e-books for your child to read at home. We understand that these are limited and are therefore offering two reading books from school and a book from our book corners. If you would like to take us up on this offer, please email the and we will let you know when the books are ready for you to collect from the school office. Please ensure you have sent your request by Monday 4th May at 11:30am so that books can be prepared for collection.


We realise that learning from home can be quite overwhelming. Some days are going to be more challenging than others as we have found with our own children! If you are finding it difficult, please let us know and we can give you some advice and support.


We hope you have a lovely weekend and thank you for your support.


Mrs Mulberry and Mr Bowie

Espresso- Archdeacon Login Details

Espresso has some great videos to support grouping and sharing.

MyUSO/Espresso/KS1/Maths/Multiplication and Division/Videos

The school login details for Espresso are 

Username: student22947

Password: acps1842

Friday 24th April 2020

Dear Year 1,


Well done for completing lots of Home Learning this week. We are so impressed by all the different peices of work you produced. Thank you parents for your support and for uploading your childs work onto JiT. If you haven't managed to upload anything yet, please try and do this over the weekend. If you are having any problems uploading, please let us know via the Year 1 email. 

Please find below activities to complete next week. We are utilising online resources provided by White Rose and the BBC. We highlighted the Letters and Sounds phonics lessons below. Please try and do this every day. Reading every day remains an essential task.


Additionally, many parents have mentioned they are working on high frequency words. We have also included the list in the documents below and the list of Common Exception words that the children will need to read and spell. The other document, Multisensory Learning for Teaching Reading, has some fantastic ideas for learning sight words.


Due to the increased amount of computer use, we thought it would be helpful to remind you of the Online Safety on our website. Please click on the link below if you need more information on this.


Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine!


Mrs Mulberry and Mr Bowie




From Monday 27th April 2020, we would like the children to complete a daily Phonics lesson. These will be through YouTube channel, Letters and Sounds. The link below will take you to the channel on which you will find the lessons from Monday. There are a couple of helpful videos already uploaded to give you a taster of what the lessons will be like and a parent/carer guide. 

Useful Resources

Friday 17th April 

Welcome to the Summer Term! We hope you had a lovely Easter Break and you are ready to continue your Home Learning. We have prepared some learning for you which can be found in the attchments below. Please complete as many of the activities as possible. We understand and appreciate the challenges of Home Learning so please do not worry if you can't get everything completed. The Year 1 email can be used for queries about Home Learning from Monday 20th April. 


Please continue to read on a daily basis- this is the most important activity to complete. 


We are missing you all but we can't wait to see what you all get up to this week.


Mr Bowie and Mrs Mulberry.

Friday 3rd April


We are so proud of the way parents and children have approached home learning. Thank you for your support in this uncertain time. We have seen so many wonderful Easter Garden's this week and many other examples of children enjoying learning at home. We very much enjoyed the 'Virtual Bonnet Parade' and loved seeing so many smiling faces.


Please take the next two weeks holiday as a time to relax, unwind and spend time with your family. The only thing we ask you to continue over the next two weeks is reading. Please continue to read every day.


In tricky times like this, it is easy to forget all of the wonderful things that have happened in Year 1 during this term. We have had so many fun times in school including; Freshwater Theatre Space Workshop, Shrove Tuesday Pancake making, Space dance lessons, Easter songs and so many fun lessons learning together. 


We will update this page on Friday 17th April with your next steps in home learning. Please note the Year 1 email and MyUSO will not be checked during the holidays.


Wishing you a very Happy Easter and sending best wishes to all of you.


Mrs Mulberry and Mrs Bowie

Monday 30th March

Happy Monday Year 1!


This is the second week of home learning and we thought it would be helpful to clarify a few things so that you can best support your children at home.


What do I teach my child at home?

Currently, we would like you to support your child reviewing what they have already been taught at school. This can be done through using the grid of activities and the online games that can be found on Busy Things/Year 1 and Espresso/KS1. I have put the list of online support on this page and a list of suggested games. Board games and every day activities e.g. pairing socks, can be an excellent source of a maths activity. Activities will also be included on this page each week. Reading on a daily basis will also reinforce the children's learning in phonics and comprehension.


What is my child expected to do each day?

Where possible, the children should be doing one English, one handwriting, one maths and reading, each day. This can be in the form of any of the above or chosen from the attachments below.


Do I need to evidence this work to my child's teacher?

Please keep anything your child does on paper. If you have photos you would like to upload of activities completed, you can do so using the instructions below and we can add and share them on the website. The Year 1 teachers can see these and will comment on your child's work. You can see these comments by clicking on the speech bubble in JiT/My Files. If you aren't able to do this, simply keep a list of the activities completed.


How will my child be rewarded for their efforts?

The children will receive monster points for any work completed on paper and any work sent in through MyUSO. Any work completed on or submitted on JiT will be awarded with Home Learning points and will be visible on J2E Stars (also available on JiT tiles page). Additionally, you can sign and date the activities grid.


Most importantly, we would like the children to be safe, happy and having fun.


Mrs Mulberry and Mr Bowie

Friday 27th March


Well done for all the home learning you have been doing this week. Don't worry if things haven't quite gone to plan- there's always next week! Please continue to work through the Home Learning books and read every day.

Here are a couple of extra activities for next week:

- Write a book review for one of your favourite books you have read this week. We have attached a template for you to use.

- Our focus for RE is the Easter story and why it is so important for Christians. We have already looked at Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Please discuss the events of Easter Sunday and why this is central to Christian beliefs. We have attached a PowerPoint and a clip can be found on MyUSO/Year 1 Resources. As one of the learning activities, we would love you to make/draw/paint an Easter Garden. We have included instructions of how to do this. Alternatively, the children could draw or paint a picture of an Easter Garden. We would love to see whatever you choose to do. Follow the instructions below to add photos.


Uploading Photos on to MyUSO

- Log in to MyUSO

-Click on JiT

-Click on J2office

-Click on Present (this is a child friendly version of PowerPoint)

- Create a page to enable you add a photo. You could also add a bit of text to explain what you have done.

This means we will be able to see all the wonderful things you have been doing at home.


Have a great weekend and keep up the good work.


Mr Bowie and Mrs Mulberry


Wednesday 25th March


Hello Year 1!

We hope your Home Learning has been going well. Remember the most important activity is to read every day smiley

Here are a couple of additional activities that you could do during this time:


- We have included a rainbow template for you to decorate and stick in your window. We have seen this around the area and is a really nice way of letting your community know you are thinking of them. You might want to include an uplifting message in case someone walks past.

- All children now have free access  5-a-day Fitness. The link can be found through your MyUSO login. The username is 5-a-dayAtHome and the password is AtHome123 . Many children have also been taking part with Joe Wicks PE lesson every day at 9am.


There is also a blank timetable that you can edit or print off. I have found it helps to make the expectations clear; however, it doesn't always go to plan- just try again the next daysmiley Mrs M.

We are missing you all! Keep up the good work.


Mr Bowie and Mrs Mulberry

Friday 20th March


Dear Parents and Carers,


This week, we have sent a pack home for the children to complete while they are learning at home. The children will be awarded with 2 Monster Points for every activity they complete during this time. Please ensure they keep the activities they complete on paper or that you sign to say an activity has been completed on the activities grid. This will ensure they are rewarded for all their hard work.


Each Friday, a weekly letter will be posted here to communicate any specific activities for the following week. For the first week, please complete activities from the pack as and when you can.


Most importantly, please read with your child on a daily basis. Read books that you have at home, sharing the reading if your child prefers.  Additionally, Audible are providing audio books for free. The computer version of ‘Teach Your Monster to Read’ is free ( and helpful with supporting phonics.


Thank you for your support in these challenging times.


Mr Bowie, Mrs Mulberry and the Year 1 Team.


Please use to access the resources your teachers have chosen for your year group.

The children's MyUSO login gives access to a number of resources, including:


Busy Things

JiT- Select JiT 5 from the tiles.


The school  login details for Espresso are 

Username: student22947

Password: acps1842


We have recently added a link to Numbots, a program that supports development of key number facts.

The login for Numbots is the same as the login for 

Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.