
W/b 5th October - Week 6

Dear parents and carers,


We had such a lovely trip last week and the children all enjoyed themselves in the sunshine. Thank you again for all your offers of help, and especially to the parents who joined us.


Many of you will have noticed that on the Year 3 page of the school website, underneath each weekly letter, there is a section titled ‘Support at home’. This section contains more information about what we will be covering in class each week and links to tasks that your child can complete at home if they are absent from school. These tasks should only be completed if your child is absent from school so that they can continue their learning at home if they are well enough to do so.


This week in English the children are writing their own persuasive letter on ways they would like people to combat and prevent water pollution. In maths we are continuing with our addition and subtraction work, including exchanging.  In science we are reviewing our work on the three main types of rock (metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary) as well as grouping rocks based on their properties.  In RE, we are continuing with the story of Ruth.


We would like the children to complete the following homework this week to be completed by next Monday (12/10/20):


  • Reading every evening and recording this in their Home School Diary.  This can be recorded by you or your child.
  • The spellings this week focus on how we change a verb from the present tense to the past tense.  The spelling test is on Monday 12th October.  Please keep this sheet safe at home.
  • The maths homework is a review of using a variety of representations to show a 3 digit number. Please ensure that your child completes both sides of this sheet and returns it to school by Monday 12th October in their homework folder.


Thank you for your continued support,


Miss Bayman and Miss Paish – 3BP

Mr Kent – 3K

Homework and Spellings

Support at home


Maths - we are continuing to learn how to add and subtract a 1-digit number to and from a 3-digit number. This week we are beginning to look at crossing 10 and exchanging. To review and reinforce last weeks learning you can watch the video titled 'Add and subtract 3-digit and 1-digit numbers (not crossing 10)':

If you would like a copy of the worksheet please email the Year 3 email address to request this.


English - this week we are writing persuasive letters to Miss Lambe about our polluted rivers and ways we would like people to combat and prevent water pollution. We are continuing to look at how we can organise our writing by using paragraphs. This video will help you think about how you can use paragraphs and other features to organise your writing:


RE - we are exploring the question 'How did Ruth demonstrate faith in God through selflessness (sacrifice)?' You can read the story here before to help you discuss and answer the question:

You might want to consider the following questions:

  • What choices did Ruth make and why?
  • Do you think Ruth made the right choices and why?
  • What tough decisions have you had to make?
  • What promises did Ruth make?
  • What do you think the story teaches Christians about friendship?
For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.