
W/b 12th October - Week 7

Dear parents and carers,


It is week 7 already! The children are really engaged with their learning and continue to show good learning behaviours.


We continue to update the school website weekly, under the section titled ‘Support at home’. This section contains more information about what we will be covering in class each week and links to tasks that your child can complete at home if they are absent from school. These tasks should only be completed if your child is absent from school so that they can continue their learning at home if they are well enough to do so.


This week in Science we are learning about fossils and Mary Anning. This links to our writing in English as the children will be writing a biography about Mary Anning and her life. We will continue to look at ways we can organise our writing using paragraphs and subheadings as well as the importance of chronology. In maths we are continuing our work on addition and subtraction, particularly focusing on subtraction with exchanging. We will be using lots of concrete representations to support the children with their learning. In RE, we are looking at the story of David and Goliath, and considering how David’s faith in God gave him strength.


We would like the children to complete the following homework this week to be completed by next Monday (19/10/20):


  • Reading every evening and recording this in their Home School Diary.  This can be recorded by you or your child.
  • The spellings this week focus on irregular past tense verbs and the spelling test is on Monday 19th October. The children will also be tested on word list 3A towards the end of next week so please continue to practice these using the sheet that was sent out earlier this term. Please keep your child’s spelling sheets safe at home.
  • The maths homework this week is an addition activity with and without exchanging.  The children need to use the digits 3, 4, 5 and 8 to make a variety of 3-digit by 1-digit addition calculations and then sort them into ones that do need exchanging (the tens digit will increase) and ones that don’t (the tens digit will not increase). This piece of work should be returned to school by Monday 19th October in your child’s homework folder.


Thank you for your continued support,


Miss Bayman and Miss Paish – 3BP

Mr Kent – 3K


Homework and Spellings

Support at home


Maths – watch the videos titled ‘Add 3-digit and 1-digit numbers (crossing 10)’ and ‘Subtract a 1-digit number from a 3-digit number - crossing 10’. You can find the first video by following the first link and the second video by following the second link:

If you would like a copy of the worksheets please email the Year 3 email address to request them.


English – watch the video about Mary Anning’s life and make a note of all the interesting facts you have learnt: Can you organise these facts into sections about her childhood and discoveries? Write a biography about her life using the sheet.

RE – watch the story of David and Goliath to help you answer the question ‘How Did David’s Faith Make Him Strong?’:

You might want to consider the following questions:

  • What is this story really about?
  • How was David put down by others in the story?
  • How did he overcome others’ lack of faith in him?
  • What helped him to do this?
  • What do you think Christians find inspiring about the story of David and Goliath?
  • Can you think of any other examples where a person who seemed weak and small overcame someone who was much bigger and scarier?
  • What helps you to feel strong?
Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.