Nursery - Home Learning Suggestions
Spring 1. Week 5.
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
The story focus book this week is The 3 Billy Goats Gruff. A traditional tale you may have as a book at home or can find on Utube. There are a few variations on the Troll’s fate. Sharing a few variations with your child provides a discussion on what story they like best and what the characters would be feeling in the story. Was the Troll lonely? Sad? Angry?? Could he goats and troll be friends? What makes a good friend?
Communication and Language |
Listening and following instructions. Play a listening game, number the amount of instructions. Begin with two and build from there as your child’s listening and retention improves. Swap roles so they too have the chance to give instructions. Challenge- can the instructions be completed in the correct order, or within a time limit?
Physical Development |
Make a troll, either using art materials, painting, play dough, drawing, college or by using house hold items to build a character. For example- Colander head with pipe cleaners or straws, forks arranged as hair, crunched newspaper as ears, oranges as eyes, lego bricks as a mouth….. The crazier the better!
Literacy |
Stories from long ago, traditional tales we will be sharing with the children over the next few weeks. Book focus- The Three Billy Goats Gruff Encourage the children to retell the story with different voices for the match the goats and the troll. Talk about the characters in the story. WHO. Do you have a favourite character? Can your child say why they like they the character? Give examples and expand on sentence structure. For example; I like the Little Billy Goat Gruff because he had soft, quiet steps and was clever thinking to send the Troll wait to meet his next brother, so he could cross the bridge. WHAT happened in the story?……
Maths |
Size- throughout the week encourage the children to stop, look and see if they can find a set of three objects to match small, medium and big. Chairs, plates, bowls, cutlery, fruit, cars, shoes, people, leaves….. Expand with more objects ordering in size. Encourage language to support. Small, smaller, smallest……Big bigger, biggest….. Bigger than, the same size- equal,
Understanding the World
The 3 Billy Goats had to cross a bridge to reach the juicy grass on the other side of the valley. Learning about our wider world key worlds to discuss, mountains, hills, valleys, and bridges. Why do we need bridges? Discuss bridges for people, different vehicles, and famous bridges. Look in books, search for pictures and eye spy when out and about. Little bridges can be discovered in nature, simple building structures and imaginative body yoga positions. (Comic Yoga Kids!!!)
Expressive Arts and Design |
Rhythmic sticks. In Nursery we use wooden sticks, at home improvise with wooden spoons, strong sticks from the park or garden, and even chop sticks. Put on some rhythmic instrumental music, such as a march or anything with a strong steady beat. Encourage your child to copy you as you play the sticks in different ways. Here are some ideas to get you started: tap the sticks together, tap the floor-sticks together, tap the floor; alternating right and left sticks, scrape the sticks together, tap your shoes, “hammer” –hold one stick vertically on the ground and hammer the top with the other stick.
We will be covering these activities in Nursery. If you like to post anything about your week at home on Tapestry, we would love to see your ideas and share with Nursery friends.
Have a great week.
Nursery - Home Learning Suggestions
Spring 1. Week 3.
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Ask a grown-up at home to teach you how to do a new job to help around the house, e.g. making your bed or laying the table for dinner. |
Class Prayer. Say our 5 Finger Prayer before bedtime or share with a relative. Remember to touch each finger on your hand as you say the words. Thank you for my family and friends Thank you for the World. Thank you for our Leaders. Thank you for helping people who are sick. And Thank you for Me. Amen
Communication and Language |
Retell a familiar story in your own words. With or without a book.
Physical Development |
Large paper - create marks to music, create a road for toy cars, draw a village, a castle – follow your child’s interests. No large paper, use chalk on the paving. |
Balloon throwing and catching. Remember to catch the balloon with hands on either side, not hugging the balloon. Can you tap the balloon from underneath and keep it off the ground. Begin with small controlled taps. ( if no balloon at home, use a soft ball of socks) Challenge, tap a little harder, spin around and catch the balloon in your hands.
Literacy |
“Read” a book to someone in your family or teddy. Display your favourite 4 books for the week. Can you share why you liked these stories?
Maths |
When out and about eye spy numbers 0-10. Letter boxes, bus numbers, signs. If walking you could tally how many times you spied a number in one day. Did you find more or less numbers on another day?
Understanding the World
Using our senses. Can you find( scribe/draw/talk): 5 things you see, 4 things you hear, 3 things that feel soft, 2 things you can smell. Ask a grown up to help you record your discoveries. Are they different if you visit the same place at a different time or day?
Expressive Arts and Design |
Make a snowman family using playdough. Can you make a snow character for everyone in your family, including pets? |
Nursery - Home Learning Suggestions
Spring 1. Week 2.
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Hello Nursery children, We would love to see and read about the great play ideas you have been sharing at home. We have had some super ideas shared, for example, Emily had enjoyed making a rainbow from different objects found around her home. Charlie had a small world construction site in the snow! Eddie sorted colourful gravel into different train carriages. Happy birthday to Sebastian and Jan who are now 4 years old. Monday we will share ideas for the following week. Take care and see you soon, Lisa, Sharon and Maria.
Communication and Language |
Using the book or other reference books and pictures, brainstorming as many ideas in describing penguins. A penguin can… (Swim, eat waddle, dive, catch fish, and lay eggs…) A penguin has…. (Flippers, claws, a beak, feathers, a pouch…) A penguin is….( a bird, a diver, …) Choose another animal from the polar regions and find some facts to share with the family.
Physical Development |
Can you look after an egg like a Daddy Emperor Penguin? Using a small ball, beanbag, sock stuffed with into an egg shape. Practice balancing “egg” on your feet, back or tummy. Moving without using your hands/ flippers to hold your egg in place.
Visit the Cosmic yoga sessions. Pedro the Penguin, and Frozen!
Literacy |
Book focus – The Emperor’s Egg by Martin Jenkins. Share with the family. |
Maths |
Playing board games using a dice. Counting dots or recognising numbers 1 to 6. Moving counters one space one at a time and counting aloud to match spaces moved.
Understanding the World
Polar regions of the World. Using books, an atlas, or searching on line for images. In Nursery we have been learning about the Antarctic, in particular the Emperor Penguin. Finding facts about animals that live in cold polar regions.
Autumn Two. 18/12/2020
Dear Parents,
We are extremely proud of your children and how they have embraced school life. They have formed their own school family, sharing the morning or afternoon together and learning how to adjust to large class of children. We have so enjoyed watching their wonder, remaining happy, keen and interested in their learning. The Christmas holidays will bring excitement and we are sure they will be bursting with tales to share when retuning in the New Year.
We greatly appreciate your support and wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas
and a happy and healthy 2021.
Kind regards Lisa, Sharon, Maria and Helena.
Nursery - Home Learning Suggestions
Christmas Holidays
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Play a turn-taking game like Snakes & Ladders or Snap. Be a good winner and a good loser! |
Communication & Language |
Have a phone conversation with an older friend or relative. Remember to ask and answer questions. |
Retell a familiar story in your own words.
Physical Development |
See how long you can stand on one leg, then challenge yourself to do it for longer. |
Visit one of the Cosmic yoga sessions.
Literacy |
Read a book to your pet or teddy. |
Hot and Cold Game. Someone hides an object, the searcher moves around the room or house locating the hidden object. Further way from object the leader uses a quieter, softer voice, closer to object the louder the voice. Swap roles. Use an instrument instead of a voice.
Maths |
Count out 10/ 20 objects, count randomly one to one, then arrange in a line to count. How can these objects be grouped. Eg colour, size, shape, use of object. Reshuffle and count, does the number always stay the same? Parent note- try in small numbers of 5 to start. If your child is beginning the counting total every time they don’t understand the total remains the same, irrelevant of order. So lots of counting moving objects with finger as they count, to consolidate counting and number valve. |
Number recognition 0 to 5 or 10 or 20
Understanding the World
Share Family Christmas news when returning to Nursery. Practise retell what Father Christmas brought you, and something shared with your family over the holiday season.
Please upload to Tapestry, the children love seeing their photos and sharing with the class. |
Newsletter Autumn 1. Week 8. 19/10/20 Nursery
Newsletter Autumn 1. Week 8. 19/10/20 Nursery
Dear Parents and Carers,
Outlined below are some ideas to take into consideration while playing with your children. Playing with your children being the keywords. Having your attention and sharing their play is the vital ingredient. Remember, presenting learning opportunities in a relaxed, child-initiated, fun way will be far more engaging and rewarding for all involved.
Physical Development – Strengthening children’s fine motor skills through play and incorporating these activities into their everyday routines.
For example Bath time fun. Empty shampoo bottles and fairy liquid containers filling and squirting bottles in the bath, squeezing and filling large sponges, using shaving foam or crazy soap on bath tiles for shoulder, arm, wrist and finger strengthening.
Support children when using scissors, they will need guidance on how to hold and use scissors safely and effectively. Keeping their thumb on top, turning the paper rather than moving their arm. Providing your child with appropriate child-sized scissors that actually cut is crucial.
Think about cutting play dough, old cereal boxes, and thin sticks.
At present, we are unable to offer water play and playdough. These activities are brilliant for strengthening the fingers.
Personal Care- Children need to be confident in toileting themselves independently. This includes accessing their clothes before and after using the toilet. If your child is still using a potty at home please use this time at home to practise these skills. Your child needs to understand how to position themselves on the toilet to avoid wetting their clothes and much encouragement and support for their efforts.
Correct handwashing and drying of hands, wiping their own nose and disposing of a tissue correctly.
Independence in putting on their coat, turning coat sleeves inside out and using a zip.
Communication and Language- Last week on Tapestry we asked the children to bring to class three different leaves. The activity involved talking and sharing about the leaves: where they were found, the colour, shape, size, name of the tree the leaf was from, autumn season changes.
Autumn discoveries can be shared on Tapestry. For example, draw pictures, collect a range of leaves for activities like ordering size, sorting colours, collage picture, leaf rubbings, cutting leaves.
Provide an empty box or basket your child can add to over the coming weeks, for example, conkers, leaves, nuts, write messages or labels, build a fairy or bug house, … share a picture on Tapestry.
In class, we have been practising by listening carefully to different sounds and talking about them. Continue this at home and at different times of the day.
Please encourage the children to wait when others are speaking and when they do speak give them the audience they require. At Nursery, we refer to this as using our listening skills.
Thank you again for all of your support in helping to continue your child’s learning. Please do get in touch if you have any questions through Tapestry.
Keep safe, happy and well.
The Nursery Team.