
Friday 23rd April 2021

Weekly Parent Letter – Year 2

Friday 23rd April 2021


Dear Parents,

We hope you all had a wonderful Easter, thank you for your Easter gifts before the holidays. We’ve had a great first week back. We’ve started learning how to play tennis, looking at our new topic of living things and their habitats and have recapped on our adding and taking away skills. Everyone looked amazing today, dressed up as different book characters.



This half term we will not be setting a specific task each week for homework. Instead we would like you to pick a different activity from the Year 2 Homework grid to complete each week. A new activity should be handed in every Wednesday.


In your child’s homework folder you will find a copy of the homework grid as well as copies of the resources you will need. They are also available to download below.



  • As the weather gets warmer, please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school every day.
  • Please ensure your child’s jumper or cardigan are clearly named.
  • Next week Archdeacon (Years 2-6) will be taking part in a Times Tables Battle with other schools in the area. We would love Year 2 to be a part of this. The Battle lasts 26th April – 2nd May. Please see the attached sheet on how to take part. This is optional. If you would like to join in, play as much as you would like during the battle.


Many thanks,

Miss Nichols, Mrs Patterson and Mrs Renahan


For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.