
Friday 17th June 2022

Year 1 Information Letter

17th June 2022


Dear Parents and Carers


The children have had a brilliant, sunny and hot week. We hope that you enjoyed the Year 1 assembly. They were fantastic at learning their lines and dance moves. Well done Year 1!



Please send in a baby picture of your child by Wednesday 22nd June. These will need to stay in school, please send your child into school with a picture or email it to the Year 1 email address.



  • Please wear PE kit to school every day next week.
  • We will be taking part in a sporting activity every day next week. Some of these will take place outside. If it is expected to rain please ensure your child has a rain coat with them.
  • On warm/hot days please ensure your child has sun cream on before school and brings a hat and water bottle with them.
  • Our school trip is on Wednesday 6th July. We will give you more information closer to the time about the day. If you are able to help on the school trip, please click the link to fill out the teams form.


Thank you for your continued support


Mr Bowie

Miss Nichols

Mrs Hitchcock


Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.