
Friday 16th October 2020

Parent weekly letter – Year 2

Friday 16th October 2020

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you ‘virtually’ at our Parent evenings next week.



Art: This week we have been creating collages based on our core book, ‘Lila and the Secret of rain’ using tissue paper.

Please support your child to collect natural materials and create a picture of their choice. Please take a photo of their artwork and either print it and send it into school and if this is not possible send your picture to the Year 2 email address.


Maths: Over the past few weeks we have been practising adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers. The children have used practical resources such as Dienes and counters, the column method and a number line to support their calculations. Please support your child to answer the attached addition and subtraction problems. They may answer the questions in any way they choose.


Spellings: Please complete the attached spelling sheet using the: Look, Say, Write, and Check method. The children will be tested on these words next Wednesday. We will continue to revise the common exception words for Year 1. Please keep the spelling sheets at home to continue learning the spellings. These are also used to reinforce correct letter formation.


Notes: This week we have been testing the children on their High Frequency words. Words that the children still need to secure will be sent home via their homework folders next Friday.


Many thanks,

Miss Nichols, Mrs Patterson and Mrs Renahan

For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.