
Friday 21st May 2021

Weekly Parent Letter – Year 2

Friday 21st May 2021


Dear Parents,

We will start swimming on Tuesday 25th May. Thank you for filling in the swimming questionnaire as this has helped us group children into small groups. Every Tuesday please ensure children come to school in their PE kit. Children should bring into school with them their swimming costume or swimming shorts, a towel, swimming hat, goggles and change of underwear. Please ensure these are all named clearly in a named bag. As we swim in the afternoon please do not send children already dressed in their swim wear.



Please complete an activity from the Year 2 homework grid. No evidence is needed for the maths activity. Please could you date the activity on the grid when they are completed.



  • We will be carrying out High Frequency Word checks next week. Please practise the words we sent home with your children before the Easter Holidays.


Many thanks,

Miss Nichols, Mrs Patterson and Mrs Renahan

For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.