
Week 5- 18.05.20

21st May 2020 World Record Drawing Attempt

Today at 4pm, author and illustrator Rob Biddulph will be making a Guinness World Record attempt for the largest online art lesson ever. You will need to register beforehand to be sent the video link.

For more information, visit

Happy drawing!

Ms van den Broek

Have a look at some of our wonderful Georgia O'Keeffe inspired flowers!

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to week 5 of the summer term.

Thank you for all support in your child’s home learning. We really appreciate all your hard work and commitment in supporting your child. Please do continue to update the pieces of work we request on J2E;  these are highlighted on the timetable. We are very much looking forward to watching / hearing your child’s gardening programme. Hopefully it will give us some tips!


You maybe be aware of a new product on J2E which is a messaging service called J2Message. The idea is that it provides a safe, teacher moderated platform for children to communicate with their class teacher and the rest of the class. Whilst teachers are able to message individual children in their classes, children are only able to message individual teachers and their whole class.  We are hoping that this new platform gives children the opportunity to chat to classmates during lock down, giving them a chance to socialise as a class again. This is also an excellent introduction to other platforms, such as WhatsApp. Please continue to use the year group email for parent queries and continue to encourage your child to use the speech bubbles in J2E to discuss their work. 


Please reinforce these guidelines for J2Message use with your child.

  • Only go on with you parent's permission and when you are not doing home learning work
  • Remember that J2message is a whole class chat group, so only post messages that you are happy for the whole class to see
  • Remember to be respectful and kind
  • Share interesting experiences and things that you have learned
  • If you want to send a message directly to your class teacher, use the icon that looks like a little group of people and find their username


White Rose Update:

Please note that the Home Learning pages of White Rose have changed so that the accompanying worksheets are no longer free to download. As a school, we now subscribe to White Rose so you will find the worksheets and answers in the resources section to be used alongside the videos on White Rose or see the PDF with links


We wish you a very happy and restful weekend and please continue to stay well, safe and in touch.


Best wishes,


Mrs Tranter and Mr Kent

Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.