
Friday 18th March 2022

Year 1 Weekly Information Letter

Friday 18th March 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,


We hope that you enjoyed the Year 1 assembly. It was lovely to have families back into school again so that you could see the children shine. They were brilliant at learning their lines and dance moves. Well done Year 1!


Please find some information to help support your child over the next week.



We will start work on our new core text ‘Look up’ which links into our Explorers topic with Mae Jemison being our focus. Any books or information the children wish to share about explorers they are more than welcome to share with their class.



Please continue to read with your children regularly. We have been very pleased with the progress that the children continue to make.



The children will be immersed in all things measurement next week. They will be comparing height, length, mass, volume and capacity in very practical lessons. Both non-standard and standard units of measurement will be used to develop the children’s understanding.



For homework this week we would like the children to find out a fact about Mae Jamison. This can be written into the homework folder or discussed with your child. On Thursday’ we will be studying Mae Jemison in more detail for our Explorers topic.


Sports Stars

In both 1B and 1N we have a display board to celebrate the children’s achievements and moments they are proud of. This could be photos of them doing a sport or activity they enjoy such as playing a musical instrument.  If you have any photos or copies of certificates your child would like to put on display then please send them via the Year 1 email.


Thank you for your ongoing support.


Miss S Nichols

Mr R Bowie


Mrs T Hitchcock

For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.