
Home Learning: Week beginning Monday 4th May 2020

Update – Friday 1st May 2020

Dear everyone,

We hope you have had a good week and are staying well. We are missing you all so much and are so proud of the work you are doing whilst learning from home. Thank you so much for all of the wonderful pictures of your Home Learning activities this week. If you have not uploaded these activities yet onto j2e please do over the weekend.  We are really enjoying commenting on your work and talking to you all. Please continue to upload work regularly throughout the week, as this allows us to give ongoing feedback. Many thanks. If you have any problems please contact us through the Year 2 email.

This week we will continue to explore our topic of ‘Living things and their habitats’. Our particular focus this week is beginning to read another one of our core books: ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’ by Jill Tomlinson. We have put the chapters you need to read in the English PowerPoint alongside the activities. In SPaG we will focus on spotting adjectives and adverbs, which is something that the children are already familiar with.

In Maths we will continue to look at ‘Measures’ with a specific focus on ‘weight and capacity’. The activities set this week are all very practical. We hope you have fun completing them.

In RE we will continue to look at the ‘Five pillars of Islam’ and will concentrate on the third pillar: Zakat which is connected with charity and thinking of others.

We have also included some other activities for you to complete this week across a range of other subjects. As Friday 8th May celebrates VE Day we have also included some information and activities you might want to complete to celebrate.

Two beautifully illustrated books have been published to help children begin to understand and respond to the Coronoavirus pandemic.

My Hero is You’ is available in a range of languages and can be downloaded for free at:

 ‘Coronavirus – A Book for Children’ has been illustrated by Alex Scheffler who created the Gruffalo! It is also free to download and is suitable for 5-9 year olds.



We are missing you all so much and can’t wait to see you all. Stay safe and have fun,

Miss Nichols, Mrs Patterson and Mrs Renahan

Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.