
Week Beginning Monday 22nd February 2021

Year One Pancake Fun

Friday 19th February 2021


Dear Year 1,


Welcome back to the second half of the Spring term! We hope you had a lovely half term break. Please find below everything you will need for Home Learning this week.


As it was Shrove Tuesday on 16th February, we would like to create a fun collection of photos for the children to share with their friends. Please send in a photo of the children with their pancake(s) and we will collate them on the website. If you would like your child to take part in this optional activity, you can send the photo to the Year 1 email address. Photos will be shared in the Year 1 area of the website- please let us know if you do not want it on the website.


- Whole School Project- We are looking forward to the children returning and to celebrate this, we will be putting together an installation of children's artwork to welcome them back. We would like children to draw a portrait of themselves on a piece of fabric provided by the school. This should be completed in pencil and a permanent marker used to go over the lines. The style is a simple line drawing similar to the 'art tea towels' previously done by year groups(see picture example below). We would ask children to write just their first name on the front of the artwork.

Coloured fabric can be collected from boxes outside the school gates on Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd February. Each year group will have a particular colour; please ensure you take from the correct year group's box. We would ask for this to be dropped back into school via the provided box by Friday 26th February. 




- New reading books will be ready to collect on Monday 22nd February between 9:30am and 10am. Please remember to return completed books during this time as well. If you are unable to collect reading books, please email and let us know or log into and read the allocated Bug Club books. Remember to click on the ‘Bug’ to answer questions on what you are reading.


- We will continue with the morning virtual meetings on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Details about Friday's smaller group sessions will be posted on Wednesday in Teams. 


We hope you have a lovely weekend,


Mrs Mulberry and Mr Bowie

Friday 12th February 2021


Dear Year 1,


What an unusual term it has been! We have been blown away by the resilience, determination and enthusiasm the children have shown for their learning. Each and every child should be proud of all they have achieved this half term. We are incredibly proud of all the children and immensely grateful for the support parents have given us and your children over the last six weeks. Thank you!


We haven't set any work for the half term break but would like all children to continue to read as often as possible. The Weekly Home Learning Grid will be posted in the usual place next week.


As it is Shrove Tuesday on 16th February, we would like to create a fun collection of photos for the children to share with their friends. Please send in a photo of the children with their pancake(s) and we will collate them on the website. If you would like your child to take part in this optional activity, you can send the photo to the Year 1 email address. Photos will be shared in the Year 1 area of the website- please let us know if you do not want it on the website.


We wish you and restful (and hopefully warmer) half term break.


Mrs Mulberry, Mr Bowie, Maria and Liz

Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.