
Home Learning: Week beginning Monday 1st June 2020

Update – Friday 29th May 2020

Dear Everyone,

We hope you have had a lovely half term and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Welcome to the second half of the Summer Term! We have added some pictures of your home learning to the website, take a look and see if your habitat, theatre or owls are there.


This term we will be starting new topics. In History we will be looking at the life of Florence Nightingale and discover why she is an important figure in British history. Later in the term we will also look at the life of Edith Cavell and make comparisons between the two nurses.  This week you will be finding out who Florence Nightingale is and what she did.


In Maths we will continue to consolidate the four number operations as well as work on place value, shape and measurement. This week the focus is recapping multiplication and division skills. We have included some games to secure the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We have also included the 3 times tables if you want to challenge yourself.


Our Science topic will look at animals including humans with a focus on how they grow and change. This week you will look at animals and their babies, looking at what animals look like when they are babies and the names they are given.


In RE we will begin our new topic: ‘Why do Christians make and keep promises before God?’ which has a particular focus on Christian marriage and baptism. This week we will be looking at what it means to belong to a Christian community and what church means for Christians.


You will notice that our Learning Grid looks different as we go into this half term. With many children returning to school some days we have created a weekly timetable for you to follow. We have assigned Reading, Spelling, Handwriting, PE and 2 or 3 other activities to each day. We understand that this may not work for all families, but can be used as a guide to help spread activities across the week. Each activity we set should take between 30 and 45 minutes, this is just a guide, some activities will be quicker to complete and some may take longer.


Please continue to upload work regularly onto j2e, we love seeing everything you have done and the activities you have completed. We are missing you all so much and hope that we will see you soon.


Stay safe and enjoy the sunshine,
Miss Nichols, Mrs Patterson and Mrs Renahan

Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.