
Week 7- 13.07.20

Dear Parents and Carers,


As we come to the end of what has been one of the strangest years we have ever experienced in education, we would like to thank each and every one of you and your children for your support and hard work. You have all made this difficult time a little bit easier for all of us.


This final week sees most children returning to their year group for two days (Wednesday and Thursday). As weekly planning is created as a unit of learning, it is essential that that Monday, Tuesday and Friday lessons are completed at home, and that Wednesday and Thursday lessons are completed at school, unless your child is not coming into school.


Please refer to the letter sent home with arrival and departures arrangements, information regarding what to bring to school and infection control guidance.



This week we will be focusing on poetry and will relate to the descriptive writing from last week.


This week, there is 1 PowerPoint for the 4 lessons. Each lesson starts with a video (White Rose Maths Wk 12). The Pdfs for each day are the same as the Ppts, but a more printer friendly version if you are choosing to print the work out. (Remember, the lessons could be completed directly into the Ppt, on paper or whiteboards instead of printing out).


Please do continue to upload the work as it gives us an opportunity to see how the children are progressing. Also if you have not uploaded the PSHE from last week please do so.  

Thank you,


Mr Kent, Mrs Tranter and the year 3 Team

For dates and information on Reception 2025 School Tours in October and November, please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777.