
Specific Support Guidance



Addiction - information for young people (PDF)

Anger - information for young people (PDF)

ADHD - pre assessment information (PDF)

ADHD - information for young people (PDF)

Anxiety -  information for young people (PDF)

Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) - pre assessment leaflet (PDF)

Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) - going for an assessment (PDF)

Bipolar Affective Disorder/Manic Depression - information for young people (PDF)

Bullying - information for young people (PDF)

Exam stress - information for young people (PDF)

Holding in mind the Early Years - Guidance for parent and carers of under year olds returning to nursery and other childcare settings during COVID-19

Low mood or depression - information for young people (PDF)

Body image and eating concerns - information for young people about anorexia and bulimia (PDF)

Learning disabilities - information for parents (PDF)

Obsessive compulsive feelings - information for young people (PDF)

Phobias - information for young people (PDF)

LGBTQ - information for young people (PDF)

Self harm - information for young people (PDF)

Sleep problems - information for young people (PDF)

Traumatic experiences - information for young people (PDF)


For more information, please see:

AfC Info website - Kingston and Richmond :: Community Information / Information and advice / Emotional Health Service / iThrive - Emotional Health Service Resource Hub / Getting advice and signposting / Eating disorder support

Our final tour for September 2025 Nursery Admissions will take place on Tuesday 25th February 2025. Please call the School Office on 020 8894 4777 to book a place.