
Home Learning: Week beginning Monday 22nd June 2020

Update – Friday 19th June 2020

Dear Everyone,

We hope you have had a lovely week. You are all continuing to work very hard and are producing some lovely pieces of work. We really enjoyed seeing your very imaginative Art work connected to your favourite places in the local area. Thank you for continuing to upload work regularly throughout the week, as this allows us to give ongoing feedback and j2Stars. If you have any queries please contact us through the Year 2 email.


Please look at the learning grid for this week’s activities and all of the resources needed can be found below.


Monday would usually see the start of Sports Week for us at Archdeacon, so this week we are setting you a Sporting Challenge. We would like you to take photos of you taking part in as many different sports as possible. You could compete against members of your family racing, have a real life egg and spoon race or show us some amazing moves on your trampoline if you have one. Upload your pictures onto j2e and we will put them onto the school website. Have fun!


We are missing you all so much. Stay safe and have fun,

Miss Nichols, Mrs Patterson and Mrs Renahan

We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.