
Week Beginning Monday 8th February 2021

Friday 5th February 2021


Dear Year 1,


Well done for another great week of home learning. We loved seeing all the different ideas the children had in our last week of Traditional Tales. We hope they enjoyed this topic. It was lovely to see the children at the morning sessions and we hope your child enjoyed them too. All Teams calls are optional and we understand that work commitments may sometimes mean that your child cannot make the set times. 


  • Morning Virtual Sessions-  optional Microsoft Teams session every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. These will continue to start at 9:15am. Please wait for us to start the meeting and ensure your child has a whiteboard and pen. 
  • Our weekly calls on Friday will continue to take place. Next week our English lessons have an Art focus. To continue with this theme we would like the children to bring a drawing/painting/art work/photograph that they created or that someone else created and talk about it. The groups and timings will remain the same.
  • We hope the children are enjoying the revised phonics lessons. The children should continue to click on the link in the Weekly Home Learning Grid which will take you to Espresso. You will need to log in. The Espresso username is student22947 and the password is acps1842   The activity sheet for each phonics lesson has been printed off to collect with reading books as well as the newly designed handwriting sheets. 
  • Following positive feedback Mr Bowie has included more PE challenges- we hope your child enjoyed completing these challenges.
  • New reading books will be ready to collect on Monday 8th February between 9:30am and 10am. Please remember to return completed books during this time as well. If you are unable to collect reading books at this time, please email and let us know.
  • If your child is finding anything difficult, you aren't sure what to prioritise or any other queries, please send us an email and we can help you with advice on how to best support your child.


Wishing you a restful weekend and thank you for your continued support.


Mrs Mulberry and Mr Bowie

Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.