You're doing it! We are ahead on average points per child! Keep going!
The competition ends on Sunday.
We could be Top of The Rocks!
Our Times Tables Rock Stars battle with Chase Bridge is live between 9am and 4pm every day this week. At the moment, they are winning! Let's show them what we're made of! Use some of your screen time to score us some points!
Parent Letter- 27.04.20
Dear Year 3 parents and carers,
We hope you and your children have enjoyed this week's home learning and the children are having fun reading the Iron Man. We really appreciate all your hard work and effort in supporting your children in their home learning and understand that it can be difficult for many families trying to juggle work and children. Please do continue to upload your child's work on to J2E so we can comment on their work.
As we continue to navigate our way through home learning, we appreciate your messages of support, as well as your feedback and suggestions and we have (where possible) included some of these into Week 2's learning. Although it is impossible to create the home learning package that suits every child, we hope you will find the plan and suggested timetable helpful.
We are also trying to ensure that everything you need is easily accessible and all in one place. As a result, you will notice that this page and the resources for next week look slightly different. All overviews and activities for each subject can now be found in the relevant subject PowerPoint. Where a PowerPoint is not needed, the explanation or activity sheet will be uploaded as a PDF.
Learning for w/c 27th April
Please look at the Week 2 timetable and PowerPoints/PDFs. These should help guide you and your child's learning objectives and tasks; please note that and all learning can be worked around what is best for your child and your family.
TTRS Challenge - As you may have read in the newsletter, we will be starting a Timestable Rockstars Battle against Chase Bridge this Monday (27th April). This is is a wonderful opportunity for KS2 and we would love all the Year 3's to take part and win some valuable points for the whole school!
Marking and Feedback
If you need any support uploading work to j2e, please email the Year 3 email for support. If these are proving lengthy and challenging to follow it is also possible to upload photos to j2e from a smart phone, iPad or tablet by logging in to MyUSO on one of these devices. From here, you can upload photos directly to j2e from the device you are logged in to.
We are aware that uploading large numbers of work can be stressful and time consuming, therefore, we have limited the number of pieces of work that require uploading this week. We have made it clear which pieces of work we would like you to update - however we also love to to see what are Year 3 children are up to so please do upload any work / videos / pictures that your child is particularly proud of. Do remind your child that we are awarding J2 Stars for excellent work and effort.
Online Safety
Due to the nature of home learning, your child(ren) may be spending more time using internet-connected devices. This is likely to mean that there will be times when you are unable to supervise them. If you would like some support and advice on how to keep your child(ren) safe online, there are a number of resources in the Online Safety section of the school website. The link below (and in the timetable) will take you directly to this page.
If you have any questions regarding any activities then please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher via the Year 3 email address.
Thank you again for all your support; we are looking forward to seeing the children's learning this week.
Best wishes,
Mrs Tranter and Mr Kent