
Additional Online Safety Resources

New LGfL Materials

In recognition of the fact that children will be spending increased time on computers and other internet connected devices, the London Grid for Learning has launched additional online safety guidance materials for use at home. They can be found by following this link:

Useful Links

Peter Cowley (E-safety advisor for Kingston and Richmond) visits our school annually to run sessions for Year 5 and 6 children, staff and parents. Please follow this link to find the resources from his most recent visit.


Please see below for our site recommendations for use at home:


CEOP Think U Know:


NSPCC net aware:


NSPCC Share Aware – a tool to prompt discussion between you and your child about sharing information and photos online:


Guide to setting safety controls on hardware in your home:

Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.