
w/c 5th Jan

Y5 Home Learning w/b 5th January 2021

Dear Y5 parents and children,


Happy New Year!  We hope you have had a lovely Christmas break. This is not the New Year we were all hoping for of course, however we all hope that the remote home learning will only be for the next few weeks and all children will be back in school soon.

Firstly, thank you so much again for our Christmas cards, generous gift vouchers and the many other presents; we are very grateful!

Our apologies for the lengthy letter this week, there is a lot to cover. We hope the planning in place is easily accessible for all, however if you have any feedback, please let us know via the Y5 email address.

For more information please follow this link to our Remote Learning Policy: remote-learning-policy-2020.pdf (


To support the children with their remote learning:

  • As Miss Lambe mentioned in her email, there is a pack of work books to be collected from school which contains some of the resources children will need this week and next.  Please collect this tomorrow (Tuesday 5th.) The Y5 allotted time for collecting books is 11.30 a.m as per today's Parentmail.
  • We have created a timetable for the children to follow each day with set timings for lessons and breaks; this will support them when working from home and also with their transition back into school. The timetable can be found towards the bottom of this page. Some of the tasks are accessible through hyperlinks on the timetable itself, while for others there are resources (sorted by day) below.
  • Please make sure your child completes the appropriate work set for the week/day wherever possible.
  • One change from the previous home learning lockdown, is that we will be using Microsoft Teams to contact the children once per week in small groups (see more info below), and we have also timetabled two slots a day where your child can login into Microsoft Teams to get online support via the chat messaging from one of the Y5 team to discuss any problems they might be having with day to day tasks.
  • As before, teachers will use the speech bubble format in J2e (via My USO) to give feedback on uploaded work, however please encourage your child to use the Microsoft Teams chat function between 08.45 and 09.45 or 13.30 and 14.30 each day for any queries or questions about day to day work. A member of staff from the Year 5 team will be on hand each day (live!) to answer any questions your child may have at these times.
  • As stated above, for each class we have also created 5 smaller teams per class. Each team has been set a weekly time slot to log on to Microsoft Teams where they can have a video chat with a Y5 Staff member and their team mates. This gives us the opportunity to check in and chat to the children and also to do any small group teaching if required. Please log on to Microsoft Teams to find out which group you/your child is in and the designated time slot for the group catch up. The first two groups (Andromeda and Superstars)  are scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday 5th Jan) so please do not delay in checking on Microsoft Teams to see which group your child belongs to! 
  • As before, encourage your child to chat and communicate with their friends via the J2e message or via Microsoft Teams. Please remind your child to use these platforms respectfully!

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing the children during their group chats on Microsoft Teams this week.

If your child is attending school this week, they do not have to worry about this as they will be supported in school!


Any questions, please send an email to the Y5 address.

Best wishes

The Y5 Team  

Wishing everyone a lovely summer break! We look forward to welcoming Years 1-6 back into school at 8.45am on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.