Parent weekly letter – Year 2
Friday 23rd October 2020
Dear Parents,
It was wonderful seeing you ‘virtually’ at our Parent evenings this week. Thank you for all of your support during this half term. We hope you have a restful and safe break.
English: We have been checking High Frequency Words. Please take time to revise the High Frequency Words that we have sent home. We have also attached a phonic sound mat for you to refer to when reading with your child. This will also help you to complete the attached phonic activity sheet.
We have uploaded the Year 1 and Year 2 High Frequency words onto the Year group page on the website if you would like to practise these with your child over half term
Maths: Please practise counting forwards and backwards in 1s and 10s to 100 from any given number. You may want to start with numbers to 30, then 50 and then 100.
Notes: After half term we will be starting our new topic of ‘The United Kingdom’. Please could the children bring in a picture of themselves somewhere in The U.K. (no bigger than A5). These will stay at school for the rest of term. If you are unable to print out the picture at home please send it to the Year 2 email address.
Poppy pebbles for Remembrance Sunday: Holy Trinity Church are creating a display of painted poppy pebbles that will be placed around the War memorial on Remembrance Sunday.
Please work with your child to paint a poppy using acrylic paint onto a pebble and then drop off the pebbles to a box outside Holy Trinity Church. You can find more information about this and arrangements for Remembrance Sunday in this week’s school newsletter.
Many thanks,
Miss Nichols, Mrs Patterson and Mrs Renahan